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Instead, I had expectations and a career.

Sex was the reward I allowed myself for being, well, good. For controlling everything else in my life. For balancing my school and my sport with pristine control and an iron will.

I wasn’t the only one like this.

Aside from a couple of the lads with long-term girlfriends, the rest of the lads in the Academy were as bad as me.

Actually, they were worse.

I was discreet. They weren’t.

“We’re not talking about me,” I told Gibsie, dragging my attention back to the present, my anger growing by the second. “She’s a fucking kid, too young for all you horny little pricks, and every asshole in this room needs to respect that.”

“Fifteen is a kid?” Gibsie countered, looking confused. “The fuck are you talking about, Johnny?”

“Fifteen is young,” I barked, frustrated. “And illegal.”

“Oh.” Gibsie grinned knowingly. “I see.”

“You don’t see shit, Gibs,” I shot back.

“Since when did you start giving a shite about what any of us do?”

“I don’t. Do whatever and whoever the hell you want,” I countered heatedly. “Just not her.”

Gibsie grinned widely, clearly goading me, when he teased, “Keep that talk up and I’m going to start thinking you’re going soft for the girl.”

“I’m not fucking around here,” I countered, taking the bait.

“Relax, Johnny,” Gibsie said with a sigh. “I’ve no intention of going near the girl.”

“Good.” I released a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

“I can’t vouch for the rest of them, though,” he added, gesturing his thumb behind him.

Nodding stiffly, I turned my attention to the busy changing room and stood up, bristling with agitation.

“Listen up,” I barked, drawing everyone’s attention to me. “That girl on the pitch earlier?”

I waited until I had my teammates’ attention and then I waited for understanding to cross their features before bursting into a rant.

“What happened to her out there today? It would be embarrassing as hell for anyone and especially for a girl. So, I don’t want to hear one word of it repeated around school or town.” My voice took on a threatening hint when I said, “If it gets back to me that any of you have been talking about her…well, I don’t have to explain what will happen.”

Someone snickered and I turned my glare on the culprit.

“You have two sisters, Pierce,” I snapped, glaring at the red-faced hooker. “How would you feel if that happened to Marybeth or Cadence? Would you like the lads talking about her like that?”

“No, I wouldn’t.” Pierce reddened further. “Sorry, Cap,” he muttered. “You won’t hear it back from me.”

“Good man,” I replied, nodding before facing the team. “You don’t bring up what happened with her clothes to anyone—not your pillow pals or friends. It’s gone. Erased. Never fucking happened…and while we’re on the subject, don’t talk to her,” I added, on a roll now, my commands this time for entirely selfish reasons I didn’t dare think too much about. “Don’t get any notions about her. In fact, don’t look at her at all.”

To be fair to them, most of the senior players on the team just nodded and went back to whatever they’d been doing before my outburst, letting me know that I was being irrational about this.

But then there was Ronan fucking McGarry and his mouth to contend this.

I didn’t like this guy—couldn’t stand him if I was being honest.

He was a loudmouthed third year who pranced around the school like he was king of the hill.

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