Page 177 of Taming 7

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Another weird silence enveloped us as we stared awkwardly at each other from either side of the car.

“Is your mam home?”

“No, she’s at your house getting the food ready for the party with your mam.”

“Oh yeah.”


“Do you want to come over?” we both ended up asking the other at the same time before chuckling nervously and saying, “yes.” Again, at the same time.

Clearing my throat, I unfastened my seat belt and pushed the car door open. “Well, I’m going to go home now,” I declared in a far calmer tone than I felt. “Would you like to join me?”

“Yes,” Gerard thrilled me by replying as he unfastened his own seat belt and quickly followed after me. “I would definitely like to join you.”

“Excellent decision.”

“Yes, I think so.”

“I think so, too.”

Gerard quickly fell into step beside me, and we walked up the driveway to my front door, shoulders touching. “Weather for the ducks.”

“Perfect weather for the ducks,” I agreed, pushing the front door open and stepping inside. “Hugh?” I called out, stepping aside for Gerard to follow me inside. “Are you home yet?”

“His car isn’t parked in the driveway.”

“True. He’s probably at Katie’s house.”

“True,” Gerard agreed, looking like a drenched god as he stood in my front hall, dripping rainwater all over the tiles. “That would make sense.”

“And Dad’s probably in the office,” I offered, my tone a little breathless.

“Probably,” Gerard agreed with a nod.

“So…” An illicit shiver of delight racked through me as I watched him watch me. “I’m going to go upstairs now.” I moved for the staircase. “Would you like to come up to my room?”

My entire frame trembled with lustful anticipation when I felt his chest brush against my back. “It would be rude not to walk you to your room.”


Hurrying up the stairs, we both made a beeline for my bedroom. Closing the door behind us, I leaned against the frame and watched as he walked into the middle of the room. “So…”

I exhaled a shaky breath and sagged against the door at my back. “So…”

“About what happened in the woods.” He pushed his damp hair off his brow again and glanced around in every direction but mine. “That was some kiss.”

“I’ll say,” I agreed, heart bucking wildly against my rib cage. “Best first second-kiss ever.”

“Agreed.” Wandering over to a random shelf, he readjusted a lopsided teddy bear that was perched on top of it. “And what happened in my room that night.” He roughly cleared his throat before adding, “That was…”

“Epic,” I told him, tracking his every move with my eyes. “For me, at least.”

“Oh, for me as well.” With his hands behind his back, Gerard snooped around my room, investigating knickknacks on top of shelves and dressers that he’d seen a million times before. “I was thinking…”

“You were?” I blurted out, and then mentally scolded myself for interrupting him. “Go ahead,” I said in a coaxing tone. “You were thinking…”

“I was thinking that I could do that again for you sometime.” Shrugging, he added, “If you wanted me to, of course.”
