Page 97 of One Rich Revenge

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“Little bit.” I crack my neck. I’m itching for a real fight today.

“Let me have a try.” Miles hoists himself up and ducks under the ropes. He’s a bit broader than Andrew, but his arms are shorter. I know his reach. I can beat the crap out of Miles on a good day.

“You sure?”

“Yep.” He gives me a dark look, and Andrew steps out of the ring. “What’s eating you?” He circles me, guard up. “That text you sent. Sounds like you really needed a distraction.” He means the one where I practically begged for my friends to beat me up.

He feints the jab and I dance back. “I do. It’s Callie.”

“I knew it,” Jason crows. “I fucking knew it.”

Miles’s eyes hold mine while he tries to read me. “What’s going on with her?” He comes at me with a quick jab-cross, followed by a left hook. I duck and his final punch glances off my ribs. I hammer a hook of my own into his side, and we break apart, breathing hard.

“She stayed over last night.” And we had the best sex of my life. And I kissed her. I liked it and I think I want more.

“She did?” Miles’s brows go up. “Wait, you slept with her? Hold on.” He stops, lowering his hands.

I nod, not sure how he’s going to react.

“I can’t believe it.” He shakes his head. “After all your going on about how she’s a reporter, an employee, and now you’re sleeping with her?”

I scowl. “If you’re going to make fun of me—”

“No.” He bends over, a soft laugh gusting out of him. “No. I think it’s great. I’m just surprised.”

“Was it hot?” This from Jason.

“Of course it was hot.” Miles grins. “Look at him. He’s obsessed with her.” He starts laughing.

“I am not. How can you even tell?”

“You’re practically begging me to punch you in the face so you stop thinking about her.” Miles keeps laughing.

“Well, you’re doing a shit job of it,” I growl. Jason starts laughing too.

“Oh no. I’m not getting goaded by you,” Miles says, as he shakes his head. “What are you going to do about it?”

“I came here to fight, not talk about my feelings.”

“Classic avoidance tactic,” Jason says. “Ask me how I know.”

“So?” Miles raises a brow. “Where did you leave things?”

“Nowhere. We left them nowhere. I asked to be invited up to her apartment, and she declined. Now hit me.”

Miles shrugs and comes at me with a right hook. He’s right-handed so it’s the most powerful punch he can throw, and I don’t dodge in time. The impact has me doubling over with pain, gasping for air.

“That’s more like it.” My voice comes out strangled. I blow out a breath. “I think I like her.” I raise my head to see Miles giving me a knowing smile.

“You’re not sure?”

“I don’t do this,” I say shortly. I bring my hands up, and he does too, and then I come for him with a jab-cross-left hook combination that he manages to block, before tapping me gently with an uppercut to the chin.

“You don’t do what? Feelings? Relationships?”

He’s going to make me say it, that prick. “Love. I don’t do love.”

His head jerks. “Who said anything about love?” He leans back against the ropes. Jason is watching us with calculating eyes, seeing too much.
