Page 103 of Ruthless Little Games

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“Well, good luck, I guess,” I tell her. Our father didn’t ask me if I was interested which sort of hurts. But honestly, I have zero interest in running an illegal empire. Or even a legal one. I’d rather be on the tennis court than have to make big, important decisions. “If you’re done bragging, you can leave now.”

I’ve just flopped over and laid my head back down on my pillow when Cass says, “So what did Lochlan do that was so bad it sent you running back home?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

When she doesn’t speak, I assume she’s finally going to get up and leave me alone. But then she says, “I shouldn’t have lied, about him flirting with me or wanting to marry me.”

“No, you shouldn’t have. All this time, I thought I was his third choice.”

“And second choice is any better?”

I shrug as much as I can lying down. “A little.”

Cass clears her throat. “I heard Daddy tell Vanessa that he was getting you some pregnancy tests.”

“Yeah? So?”

“Guess you didn’t get a morning-after pill.”

“I did. Lochlan gave me one, but I didn’t take it.”

“Oh,” she mutters. I expect her next question to be why not. Instead, she asks, “Do you want me to help you take the tests?”

“Sure,” I reply since I don’t feel like even reading the directions for them. I just want it to be done, to know for sure either way, so I can curl back up in bed and cry some more.



Ihave my phone to my ear, calling Dante before I even climb into the back of the SUV taking me to his place.

“Don’t even think about showing up here,” his deep voice rumbles in lieu of a greeting. Not that I expected one.

“Dante, you know I’m coming after her. I thought we had a deal!”

“You and I had a deal, yes. But this, whatever you did to send her home bawling her eyes out, doesn’t have anything to do with me. I didn’t convince her to leave you. She just showed up here and begged me not to make her go back.”

Begged. She begged him not to make her come back to me. And she was bawling her eyes out.

“What the fuck did you do to her?” he asks.

“She didn’t tell you?”

“Sophie didn’t say anything other than she doesn’t want you, but she doesn’t want me to kill you either. So, I ask again, what did you fucking do, Dunne?”

“It’s complicated.”

“Bullshit. Tell me. I’ll get it out of her eventually.”

“It’s just a misunderstanding, and a stupid mistake. I swear I can explain everything to her if she’ll let me.”

“Whatever you did, whatever stupid mistake you made, I honestly don’t think she’ll ever forgive you.”

“Well, I’m not giving up.”

“It’s no longer your decision.”

I know he’s about to hang up on me, so I yell, “Dante, wait! Just…give me a chance to come talk to her, to ask her to come back. One chance, that’s all I want.”
