Page 104 of Ruthless Little Games

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He curses under his breath. “Sophie won’t be happy about it but…I gave you ten minutes to convince her to marry your sorry ass, so I’ll give you ten minutes to talk her into forgiving you. But that’s it. Do you understand me? Whatever Sophie decides, her decision is final.”

“Understood. Thank you,” I tell him. “I’m on my way there right now.”

I have to figure out how to best use what little time I have to explain everything. To explain and beg her to come home with me once and for all.

I’m tired of this bullshit with her and Dante threatening to end our marriage. Either we’re going to do this for real or…

Fuck. I don’t want to think about any other option.

Sophie may not have been in my life very long, but I can’t imagine living without her now.

Even if she won’t let me touch her again.

I get why she was hesitant at first. She needed to keep a hold on the power to decide who she shares her body with if nothing else in her life. I understand more than she even realizes how important that decision was for her to make to be with me, and to make it without any manipulation or lies tainting it. She needed to trust me. And when I finally gained that trust, our marriage blows up.

“Got more bad news, boss,” Wolfe says from the passenger seat, interrupting my thoughts.

“Great. What is it?” I groan while massaging my aching temples.

“Julia Townsend asked Sophie not to come back to the tennis center.”

“What?” I’m so thrown by the sudden change of topic that I don’t even realize the significance at first. “Because of the drone bombs?”

“Yes, sir. The center can’t take the risk with the children. Toni said Sophie was upset before she even got to the house and…”

“And encountered the stupid whore?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Sophie didn’t want them to tell you, but Toni thought you should know given…recent events.”

My poor heartbroken princess. I can’t imagine how disappointed she is about being turned away from the center. She was so excited to be working there, teaching the kids. I thought she may even change her mind about having one someday soon.

Now that plan has gone to shit, and more importantly, it’s taken away a newfound purpose in Sophie’s life.

I can’t even be angry at Julia for making the decision. She’s right of course and it’s my fault. Until I find out who is behind the drones, and kill them, it’s too dangerous for Sophie to be around the children. My enemies want to hurt her to get to me which is so fucking infuriating.

If I can somehow convince Sophie to forgive me, I’ll have to figure out a way to find the fuckers responsible for the attack, and make sure she gets that purpose of hers back as soon as possible.


Half an hour later, Cass and I determine that if the three pregnancy tests I peed on are negative, then I’m probably in the clear.

At least for now.

“Exercise and stress can make you late. You could take another test in a few days if your period still hasn’t come,” Cass says, gathering up the boxes of unopened tests in her arms. “I’ll throw the rest of these under the cabinet.”

“Okay, thanks,” I agree absently as I leave the bathroom to go flop face down on my bed. A moment later, I hear my door open when Cass slips out without a word, leaving me alone with my thoughts. And more tears.

Why am I disappointed in the stupid test results? I don’t want a baby, especially not one with Lochlan. I’m free of him now. My father’s attorney will figure out a way to get an annulment or a divorce, whatever it takes for the paperwork to be filed. Then, it’ll be over. I won’t have to ever see him again.

Or so I thought, until my father comes into my room, sits on the foot of my mattress, and says, “Lochlan’s on his way over.”

I scramble straight up off the bed and to my bare feet. “What? Why? I don’t want to see him!” I sob, shaking my head. “Please don’t make me see him!”

“He asked me to let him say his piece. I would want the same thing if I fucked up with Vanessa. But I only agreed to give him ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes? I don’t want to see him for even ten seconds!”
