Page 52 of His Lucky Babygirl

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“Papa! Papa! I home early!!”

Shit. Melody definitely didn’t expect big blue eyes to pop up while Wes and her slept. She jumped out of bed and took action before Wes could wake and react.

“Sarah! I’ve missed you! How about we go downstairs and make some breakfast?”

“Melly, I’m so happy yous here!” she bellowed as her little feet danced back and forth at the door.

“Can we make waffles?”

“Of course we can. I’ll race you to the kitchen.” Mel said, still under the covers. She needed the little one distracted so she could put on some clothes. Wes had tossed her dress in the corner; she was thankful he hadn’t shredded that one.

“C’mon, Melly. I’ll get da booberries out!” Sarah shouted as she went down the stairs. Mel sighed in relief. She looked over to Wes but his face was turned from hers. A pit formed in her stomach but she forced it away as she rose from the bed and got dressed.

She was waiting on Wes to say something, anything, but he didn’t so she turned and left the room, skipping down the stairs to find Sarah.

“I won, Melly!” she sang out as she placed the blueberries on the counter.

“You sure did. You’re so fast.” Sarah nodded as she popped a blueberry in her mouth.

“Remember we wash the berries before we eat them.” Mel grabbed the container from little fingers and took it to the sink to wash.

“Sorry Melly, I forgot.”

“That’s okay, bug. Did you have fun with Uncle Graham?”

“Yes ma’am! He’s so much fun, but I missed Papa and you.”

“I used to get homesick when I was your age, too.”

“I’m not sick!” she stomped her foot and crossed her arms.

Melody let out a little giggle. “That’s not what I meant, sweetie. When you get homesick, that just means you’re ready to go back home because you miss it. It doesn’t mean you’re really sick, silly!”

“Oh! I was homesick then.”

“Well, guess what the perfect medicine for that is.”

Sarah’s cute little nose scrunched up as she thought. She shrugged her shoulders and looked back up to Melody.


“Yay for waffles!” Sarah danced around the kitchen as Mel got everything set up to make their special breakfast.

As they began cooking, Sarah stopped what she was doing and looked up at Mel.

“What is it, bug?”

“Were you and Papa having a seepover?” Melody felt the knot on her stomach tighten. She and Wes hadn’t discussed telling Sarah anything and she didn’t want to screw up everything good that had been going on between them. Her mind raced through a million scenarios until she decided what to say. Mel figured the closest to the truth, the better.

“Well, kinda. I stayed late last night helping your dad with a piece of furniture he made. He needed me to test some things out and we lost track of time.” Heat flamed Mel’s cheeks as she spoke. She hoped Sarah wouldn’t pick up on it.

“Oh okay. Next time you can seep in my bed with me. I wuv seepovers!”

“Sounds like a plan.” Mel was glad that curious minds had been satisfied so they could continue cooking.

Wes shuffled down the stairs as the first batch of waffles came off the griddle.

“Papa!” Sarah ran to Wes and jumped in his arms hugging him as tightly as she could. Mel loved seeing this side of Wes, the father figure. Not her Daddy but Sarah’s. It warmed her heart and sent butterflies scurrying through her tummy.
