Page 26 of Office Mate

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“Damn it, Bri!” I peed, flushed, and stomped over to the shower. “You ruined my dick with my cousin’s spit!”

She peeked around the corner of the walk-in shower. “There have been many times in my life I wished I could have recorded things, this is one of those moments. Did you need me to repeat what you just said or do you think you have a full grasp of—“

“—son of a bitch! I’m coming in, don’t stare and don’t touch me because I cannot show up late to the games saluting Satan!”

“Max.” She nodded. “Got it.”

Then she disappeared, and I was stripping and stomping into the shower. She was rinsing her hair, not that I was looking. It was normal to see things out of the corner of your eye, especially shiny, pretty things.

With boobs.

I scrubbed my body with my own hands, pumped more body wash, and probably looked angry, but I was trying to not focus on the steam, on her, on the fact that she was naked.

“Hey.” She came up behind me. Her body heat was somehow more intense than the burning water. “About last night.”

I waited, my breaths were heavy, expectant. “I’m sorry. It really wasn’t you, you did nothing wrong. It was me, and I’m sorry. I hope one day you can forgive me.”

My exhale was short, like I couldn’t inhale enough to get rid of the air in my lungs.

She started walking away. I grabbed her by the arm and spun her back toward me, pulling us under the water. My mouth collided with hers so hard that my lips burned from it.

She gasped when her body slid against mine, her hands were still at her sides. I deepened the kiss—shocked she was kissing me back, then pulled away. “You’re forgiven, but only if you pay up.”


I smirked. “You don’t remember? You left a month before my birthday and I told you the only present I wanted was a kiss a day until my birthday, I think I also may have said I wanted sex on the dinner table and a scary movie night since we were so poor, but I’ll just take the kisses, that would be thirty, since I just stole one. You owe me thirty kisses, you pinky promised, and those are for life, remember Trolls? It’s very serious.”

“Very.” I couldn’t tell if she was crying or if it was the water from the shower. “Can you agree to that?”

She nodded slowly. “Just don’t expect me to suddenly be nice.”

I laughed. “Wow, when have you ever been nice, on our third date you broke a pool stick and pointed it at me because you lost?”

“I’m very competitive.”

“Noooo, really?”

She swatted my stomach. “Get ready, we’re already late.”

“You’re never late for Hell, Bri, never.”

“Not prepared,” I said, standing next to Bri while we watched Max stand on a small stage in one of the larger conference rooms. He had a microphone, who the hell gave him a device that could go up in volume? Was that even legal?

He was wearing a white suit, with a black tie, and had cue cards.

What was with the cue cards, anyway? He was a billionaire, he could just have one of those teleprompters that were see-through and then burn it when he was done.

Dustin stood near the back and the rest of the employees, five teams in total, all stood in casual Friday wear and listened.

Everyone looked weary.

Even sociopath from the day before.

“His eye are bloodshot,” Bri whispered.

“From all the killing,” I muttered while Max droned on and on. “Also, did we ever find out how she killed her husband last night?”

Bri sighed. “She went with the arsenic.”
