Page 34 of Office Mate

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I shook my head. “Ignore my words, trust my actions.”

I pulled her onto my lap, it was the perfect angle for her to sink down onto me, all the way. She let out a gasp while I moved her hips with my hands.

I never wanted to leave. It wasn’t just the feeling of her fighting around me, or the way she clung to me for dear life while my face was pressed against her chest.

It was like a lock clicking open—in one moment she’d freed me—she’d freed us.

Chapter Ten


I just had sex with him.

With my boss, or manager.

With the only guy I’d ever loved.

And he wasn’t being awkward, no he ate his body weight in steak and potatoes afterward, drank wine, made me comfortable on the couch afterward and turned on another crime documentary.

I stared at him, expecting him to ask more questions, to freak out, to ask what it meant, he was always more emotional than me only because I was too afraid to ask those questions.

Instead, I stared at him and waited, my eyes narrowing.

“I can feel you staring,” he said in a bored tone. “And as cool as it would be to read minds, that’s not how it works, you have to use words.”

“Words, because you’re so good at that.”

“Aw, compliments, thank you.” He lowered the volume. “What do you want to ask, because I can feel your anxiety from here?”

“Um…” I reached for my wine. “Nothing, I mean, well, I just, I mean we did just cross a professional and personal line and um, the kisses are over, and does that mean this is over?”

There I said it.

I braced for impact while he stared me down and very slowly grabbed the wine from my hands and set it down on the table, then proceeded to pull my sweatshirt off of my body and kiss down my neck. “I lied, you said you promised a thousand kisses, maybe two, when you unlock memories, the math can be off.”


“Absolutely. It’s science.”

“Is it now?” His mouth connected with my ear, sending shivers up and down my body.

“Mm, it is.” He grabbed my neck with one hand and forced my head up, while he lowered his mouth. “Don’t over analyze the perfect moments, it just breaks them in the end.”

“Okay.” I agreed. “I’m scared.”

“That’s normal, everyone’s scared, the brave ones are the ones that say it out loud and do something about it.”

“So what do I do?”

“Be in the present, Bri. Be with me now.” His smile was so sexy and tender. “Kiss me.”

So I did.

And later that night, I didn’t stare at the wall; I didn’t scoot away. I plastered my body against him and mourned the girl who wasn’t ready for what he had to offer, and hoped that I still had a chance to make it up to him, even if it meant getting rejected in the end.

I wanted a future with him.

And I wanted to bury the past once and for all.
