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Sure enough, more SUVs pulled up to the street, and several different men came out. All of them went inside, looking like they were harboring the secrets I needed to gain from them.

When the time was right, I slid out of the car and casually made my way inside, pretending like I was any other club-goer with my tie discarded in the back seat and the first few buttons of my uniform undone.

I was instantly met with music and flashing lights and remembered why I didn’t care for clubs in the first place. They were never my scene.

Pushing through the mental hurdle, I did my best to discreetly survey the place as I wandered around.

There were plenty of women and men dancing, along with the bottle girls and social climbers doing their rounds. From what I could see, there was a VIP section, but I didn’t recognize any of the men lounging there with half-naked women in their laps. There weren’t any Levovs in the main club, which only made my job harder.

Remembering that I needed to blend in, I ordered myself a drink and found a place to continue my surveillance.

Like buzzards to roadkill, two women wearing skin-tight dresses approached with their white smiles, wasting no time pressing up against me. They swayed their hips to the music and ran their hands all over my body.

“You looked lonely over here,” the dark-haired one said, voice like silk. “Would you like some company?”

Sucking in a deep breath, I reminded myself that I was there for business, and as much as I didn’t even want to entertain them, there was a chance they could know something.

“Only if you have information to give me on the owners of this place.”

The redhead giggled to herself. “Are you from the FBI or something?”

“Something like that.”

The girls exchanged a flirtatious glance at each other before the dark-haired one said, “I love a man in uniform.”

“Then what can you tell me?” I asked, hoping it would be a start at least.

“That they’re the most influential family in the city, of course.”

“You wouldn’t believe the money they have. It’s a shame they’re all shacked up, though. I wouldn’t mind a turn with the oldest one.”

“With just one of them?” the redhead asked sarcastically. “More like all of them at once.”

“Alright,” I interjected, having heard enough to know they wouldn’t be useful to me after all. “I’m good here. You can go entertain someone else.”

They both scoffed and rolled their eyes before walking away, taking their brainless chatter with them.

Sighing to myself, I knew I had to keep waiting. Soon enough, something would happen. Someone would say something.

“You’re not listening to me!”

That booming voice came from the back of the club, hidden out of my sight. While I was sure the others didn’t hear it over the music, I was close enough to find myself within earshot.

“You need to calm down, Yaro. This isn’t the place,” another voice said pointedly. “If you can’t handle yourself here, then you need to leave.”

“My sister is somewhere out there, and she still hasn’t been found! What good are these thousands of men if they can’t get their heads out of their asses long enough to find her?”

Straining to hear, I had the feeling I had stumbled across something actually worth my attention.

“We’re all worried about Anastasia, and everyone is doing their best to find her. Whoever took her must know what they’re doing—all of her device trackers have been disabled and nobody has seen her,” the more direct voice sounded. “The last lead we have is the lecture hall, but after that, it’s a dead end. Our guys are working overtime to collect intel on where she might be.”

“That isn’t good enough, Dimitri! If I have to knock on every door and tear down every house just to find her, I will. I won’t let some sick fucks do what they want with her.”

“By all means, nobody is stopping you. But don’t start here. You know how important these contracts are—Andrei won’t be happy if you put them in jeopardy because of your emotions.”

Before I could catch anything else, the angry one—Yaro—stormed by and forcefully made his way out the front door of the club. He was one of Anastasia’s brothers. That was one of the men I was contending with.

Taking a sip from my drink, I tried to numb the concern that moved through me at the realization.
