Page 32 of Bootlegger's Bounty

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“And then what?” Santo Ferrer inquired. “You don’t think you’re walking out of here, do you?”

“Your men are dead,” Cam told him, while Enzo worked on pulling his own gun from the waist of his pants.

“I don’t need my men. You and yours are going to load all the rum I want from Benny’s stash and take it to my yacht.” The man flashed them with a terrifying grin. “The idiot practically drew me a map of how to get here when I gave him my rum. See,” he said, looking down at his sister. Pulling her head back hard enough to make tears fall down her face. “I told you people are stupid. I’m the only smart one.”

Rolly scoffed at that, and in retaliation, Santo pistol-whipped Rosalía. She cried out in pain, and it took everything Enzo had not to launch himself at the bastard. Cam looked ready to explode.

“Don’t think I won’t kill her. I only kept her around after my dad died because I wanted to fuck her. But now that she’s given me an excuse, I’ll slit her throat and throw her in the water.”

Cam recklessly moved forward, but Enzo pulled him back. Santo was raging at poor Rosalía about all the sacrifices he’d made for her, so Enzo took the chance to talk to Cam.

“Easy, Papi,” Enzo whispered so low that he almost wasn’t sure Cam heard him. “We can get him. She’s got that little knife she got Rolly with up her sleeve.” Cam relaxed, but not by much. “Let me work. You stay ready to shoot the bastard in the head.”

“Oy, Santo,” Enzo called and stepped out from behind Cam. “Did your little problem get resolved?” he asked, keeping an eye on Rosalía as he spoke. She looked at him too, her gaze lowered to where Enzo tugged on his sleeve. Her eyes widened at the reminder.

Good girl.

“Who are you?” Santo shouted, spittle flying out of his mouth. With his attention on Enzo, he wasn’t looking at his sister, who was discreetly pulling at her sleeve.

“I’m the guy who heard you’re a limp-dicked asshole,” Enzo taunted. “Your sister said everyone in your house laughs at you behind your back.”

Santo roared with rage and turned to his sister, who jabbed him in the gut with the small blade. He doubled over, letting her go, and the moment she jumped out of his grasp, Cam fired a shot right at the man’s neck.

Rosalía screamed, her eyes wide with horror as she watched her brother topple to the ground, but Cam was in a murderous rage and emptied two more rounds into Santo Ferrer until the man was indisputably dead.

“Come here, sweetheart,” Enzo said, and Rosi folded herself into his arms. Behind them, Rolly began to pick up a crate. That snapped them out of it.

Rosi lifted her head; her eyes were dry but bleak. “We need to get the rum,” she said, looking at Cam with a haunted expression.

“I’ll get rid of the body,” the captain announced, and without much else to say, they set about to finish the job they started. “When Benny comes looking, he’ll find Santo dead and assume his men turned on him. No one will suspect us.” Despite the horror on Rosi’s face, relief tore through Enzo at Cam’s words.

They might get clean away on this one.

“I’m fine,” Rosalía assured Enzo when he pressed a kiss to her cheek. Like the warrior she was, she got to work hauling boxes and helped load them onto each dinghy until they were all in the two small boats. She didn’t turn once to look at where Cam had taken her brother. When they had their loot, Butter, whose leg was hurt but could still work the oars, helped get the rum to the Delilah. By the time they were sailing away with the rum, the sun was almost rising in Nassau.

“Cam sent me in here to check on you. He thinks you don’t want to see him,” Enzo told Rosalía.

It had been a fucking shit show, blood everywhere. But they couldn’t have let the guy go; the bastard had almost shot Rosalía, his own sister. She currently had a towel around her and nothing else. Rolly had filled a small tub of water for her once they’d gotten back on the schooner. There had been little time for Rosalía, Cam, and Enzo to talk after they’d managed to escape with the rum. Camden was still on deck, getting them as far away from Nassau as he could manage before Benny Castille found the rum gone and his warehouse wrecked.

Enzo closed his eyes as he thought of the bodies they’d had to hide.

He was tired of all this killing.

“I’m glad he’s dead.” Her voice was small but strong, and once again he could scarcely believe his luck that this woman had come into his life. “I’m free now,” she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. “I’m free to be with you and Cam, to live my life without fear.”

His heart clenched at the thought that he could have so much. He wished that stubborn bastard Camden were down here with them instead of hiding his guilt.

“Come here,” Enzo told her, crooking a finger. She came over, still clutching the damn towel. But the moment she got close enough, he undid it and threw it on the floor. “You’re a gift, did you know that?” He placed his hands, which still had blood stuck under the nails, on either side of her face. “A gift the sea gave to me and Cam.”

She smiled through tears and shook her head.

“All I brought was trouble. I hope Cam doesn’t regret allowing me onto his boat.”

He made a sound of protest and pulled her to him. Kissed her hair, her temple, her eyes, her nose.

“You saved our asses,” he told her.

Right now, they were loading the finest rum money could buy into the hold. The last of the Gold Reserve. Priceless bottles. They were keeping a few dozen for their club, but even Big Joe would not be able to deny that they’d delivered on their promise to bring him the rum he’d lost. But she’d done more than get them out of a jam—she’d come and given them her body, and most importantly, her heart.
