Page 102 of Sweet Collide

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At this, her eyes widen, and her mouth gapes. Her reaction is warranted. I’m stunned. This might be the first time in my entire life that I’ve forgone some of my rituals.

It’s probably even more confusing to her since I’ve gotten past games already on the screen. But as I take in her adorable features, I know I want to spend time with her, doing something that’s not work-related.

“Are you sure? I mean…”

For a second, I expect my need to win out, but as I stare at her, I find that I don’t at all regret my decision.

I lick my bottom lip, thinking about how cute she is at this moment. Unsure. Confused.



She takes a seat next to me, and the smell of her floral perfume washes over me. It’s a scent that I’ve come to know as all Cassidy. It’s more than pleasant. It’s intoxicating. With her this close, it’s all I can do to keep my hands to myself.

“What do you want to watch?” I’m waiting for her to say some dreaded romantic comedy. I don’t want to, but I will watch one. For her.

“Something with action.”

I stand corrected.

Once again, Cassidy has me off-kilter. She says and does the absolute opposite of whatever I think she’s going to do. I’m constantly on my toes with her, and I like it more than I should.

“Something with action… well, all right,” I say, smiling like an idiot.

I put in one of my all-time favorite movies. There’s been a constant debate about whether this movie is a Christmas movie, and for some reason, I can’t wait to get Cassidy’s take at the end.

“Die Hard? I love this movie,” she squeals.

Fuck. Me.

“You’ve seen this?”

“Who hasn’t? This is a classic.” I turn toward her, eyeing her as though she’s a strange animal.

“What?” she asks, incredulity clear. “I like movies, Aiden, and this one is special.”

She looks away, but before she does, I catch a glimmer of something resembling trepidation.

“Anyway, let’s watch the movie,” she says, suddenly acting strange.

“What’s that?” I ask into the side of her head.

She peers over at me, and that niggling feeling comes over me again.

“Why did you get weird?”

Her eyes close for a moment. “I didn’t get weird.”

My eyebrow lifts. “You got weird. Why?”

She blows out a harsh breath. “I was just settling in for the movie.”


When you’ve grown up around the best liars the world has to offer, you quickly learn how to spot one a mile away. I should press. I should find out what the hell’s going on with her, but I just wanna watch the movie.

By the way she’s alluded to her past, I’d harbor a guess that she’s had a terrible upbringing. Maybe there’s a story there with the movie? Something triggering. I don’t want to bring up bad memories, so I decide to drop it, opting to just enjoy myself.

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