Page 129 of Sweet Collide

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“Good luck,” I say, making my way toward the back, thinking through my grocery list.

The conversation that Aiden is about to have could be a tough one. Billy Lewis is third string and not a key member of the team, but he’s also on contract. I’m not sure how hockey works, but I can’t imagine getting rid of Billy will be that easy considering the money they likely paid him, even for third string.

I want to make Aiden something that I know he loves. Something that will comfort him during a time he needs it most. I’ve recently cooked his favorite, but I also know he equally loves lasagna, so I’ll get everything I need for that.

It’s not lost on me that I’m using the distraction of what to make for dinner to keep me from panicking about the conversation I know I need to have with Aiden.

The longer I wait to tell him the truth, the worse things are going to get.

After everything he’s been through, he deserves nothing but the truth from me.

But is now the right time? With everything he has going on hanging over him?

I’m between a rock and a hard place, unsure what the right move is. Mike hasn’t given me any indication that he’s going to spill the details to Aiden, and that’s likely because he has bigger things to handle at the current moment.

No matter, I can’t leave fate in Mike’s hands. I need to come clean.

If tonight ends up being the right time, then so be it.



It’s been a long few days.

The night that I shared my truth with the world, I came home exhausted and ready to fall into bed. Cassidy had prepared one of my favorites, and I had to choke it down.

Not because it wasn’t delicious, but because my stomach was in knots.

Coach understood where I was coming from, but his hands were tied. It’s not up to him to decide about that. It’s something he has to talk to the owner about, and we all know that as good of a guy as he pretends to be, money talks and any amount that’s thrown away isn’t something he’s going to jump at.

He knows my worth and what I bring to the team. I’m sure he’ll come to the right decision, but it won’t be overnight.

For the time being, Billy has been put on leave for personal misconduct that impacts the team and organization. Luckily, the Saints have a clause that allows for disciplinary action for players who disrupt the team in any manner. The Coach appealed to the owner that Billy’s conduct brought unwanted stress and media attention to the program.

I told Coach I wouldn’t play on the ice if he was there. He assured me he’s on my side, and he’ll do whatever is necessary to keep me on the team.

Tonight, is a game day, and I’m stressed.

It’ll be the first time playing since my private life was aired, and I know all eyes are going to be on me and not for the reasons they typically are.

It’s uncomfortable and unwanted.

The door opens and Cassidy walks in, wearing my jersey, with her hair pulled into a high ponytail. She looks beautiful. There’s something about her wearing my number that feels right.

“I came to give you a massage,” she says, smiling wide.

I know the smile is forced. She’s nervous about tonight too. We discussed it this morning. But she’s doing her best to reassure me, and she’ll never know how much I appreciate her for that.

“Thanks, Cass. I could use one.”

She nods, heading to her position behind me.

Her hands land on my shoulders, kneading deep. For a small woman, she’s a force. Her hands are firm and her ability to get deep in the muscle is something that men have struggled with in the past.

“That feels incredible,” I moan.

I could really use something more, but I’d never suggest such a thing to Cassidy. She means more to me than a quick blow job to help work out my nerves.
