Page 189 of Sweet Collide

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“All day you’ve been acting like something is bothering you. Why don’t you just spit it out?”

“Really? You’re going to throw attitude at me?” She throws her hands up in the air.

“Yeah. I am. You knew how important this game was.”

She narrows her eyes. “And you won.”


“What do you want me to say?” She pops her hip out, placing a fist to rest there.

“Just tell me what’s going on with you.”

She takes a deep breath. “I just don’t know—”

Now, it’s my turn to narrow my eyes. “Don’t know what?”

I take a step toward her, and she holds her ground.

“I don’t know if we can be together.”

My head jerks back as though she’s slapped me. “What the fuck is this bullshit?”

“I just feel like—I just feel like…”

She’s breathing heavily, and her fingers twist together in her shirt.

She looks tormented, broken, and something inside me cracks open. I can’t stand to see her this way. I don’t want to push her over the edge because she looks moments from truly unraveling.

I take a step forward and grab her hand in mine. “Feel like what, Cass?”

Her head lowers, and she whispers, “I’m not a good person.”

I place my finger under her chin and lift her head so that she’s looking into my eyes.

“That’s the biggest pile of bullshit I have ever heard.”

Her lips might be set into a thin line, but I don’t miss the way her chin trembles. “And true nonetheless.”

“Stop this. You’re the best person I have ever met.”

She laughs, but it lacks all humor. “Yet you barely know me.”

I drop my hand and take a step back, eyes never leaving her. “And whose fault is that?”

“Yours…you left.” Her voice holds no emotion. It’s like she’s forcing the words out. They’re weak and meaningless.

Why is she doing this?

“I said I’m sorry about that. But now we’re together, and you can talk to me, Cass. Tell me what’s going on in your head.”

“Maybe the time for the truth is too late.”

I grab my hair with both hands and pull, growing more agitated by the minute.

“Just talk to me,” I practically beg. I’m not sure where this is coming from. She obviously doesn’t know I went to Michigan, or she would have said something. So what the hell is going on?

I’m about to come clean, tell her I went snooping in her shit. Screw the consequences.
