Page 73 of Sweet Collide

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Instead, I smile.

“You don’t seem to be a fan of hockey,” she says, changing the subject.

“Is it that obvious?”

She laughs. “You look ready to either punch someone or throw up.”

“It’s violent. I’m just not used to it.”

“It is, but the guys love it. Dane lives for it.” She places a hand on my arm. “I promise, they can’t feel much with all those pads. Your man’s safe.” She points toward the ice, and I turn in time to see a puck thud against the glass.

My body jerks back, and Molly snickers. “You’ll get used to it.”

I’m not sure I will.

“Keep watching. They’re due to score, and Aiden is the king at making things happen.”

She’s right. No sooner does she say the words, and Aiden has a breakaway, skating like a demon down the ice, directly toward the opposing net. He doesn’t even stop, simply slides to the side and pops it around the goalie’s leg.

The crowd goes wild, chanting his name.

I smile, loving that he’s doing what he always wanted to do. And doing it well.

A group of women are shouting, and it draws our attention. Molly groans.

“I’m a new-age woman who owns my sexuality, but something about them irks me.”

“Who are ‘they’?” I wonder aloud.

“Bunnies,” she explains as if I know what that means. “Women who chase hockey players. Most of them only want the notoriety. Or worse, money.”

A tall, leggy blonde stands, holding a sign above her head. I can’t read it from here.

“They live to get the guys’ attention. You’ll see them after the game in the parking lot. They won’t leave until the players do.”

“They leave with the guys?”

“Some do,” she says, eyes trained on the ice. “I told Dane if I catch him with one, I’ll boycott the rest of his games.”

I laugh. “How did that go over?”

She tips her head in my direction. “Do you see anyone else here for him?”

I glance around, but it’s not like I would actually know who’s here for whom.

“It’s just me.” She sighs. “We only have each other, and as much as my brother likes to act tough, he’d be lost without me.”

People’s backstories always interest me. As much as I hate to admit it, finding kindred spirits out in the world makes me feel not so alone. With everything Molly has shared, it has me wondering about her and Dane’s.

Why are they alone? Where’s their family?

I won’t ask. For so many reasons, but mostly to preserve my own story. Asking questions opens the door for people to expect reciprocation. And while I don’t truly know Molly, I like her.

The thought of lying to her any more than I already have, by simply allowing her to believe I’m Aiden’s girlfriend, doesn’t sit well.

Dane slams against the glass and locks eyes with his sister. He salutes her before rushing off to chase the guy with the puck.

I laugh, and she rolls her eyes.
