Page 89 of Sweet Collide

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She chuckles. “I really only called to bust your balls for not updating me on all things Slate. I need to live vicariously through you, and you’re not being a team player.”

“You’re ridiculous. I’ll call you tomorrow and update you on all the nonglamorous shit I’ve been up to.”

And I will. I’ll tell her everything aside from the specifics on Aiden. Despite everything, I won’t sell him down the river. Ever.

“Fine. Go have your fun. I’ll just be over here binge-watching some cheesy vampire show with an annoying heroine who I’m just waiting for them to finally kill off.”

I snort. “You have fun with that. Talk soon.”


Clicking the button, I end the call and throw my phone into my clutch. I need to figure out where the hell I’m going.

Since I had to come on my own, I’ve been instructed to enter from the side door that’s not open for the public, and one would think that would be easy to find.

It’s not.

I’ve almost walked the entire building when I finally find said door. On the back of the building, not the side.

I blow out a harsh breath and inhale a cleansing one before I knock.

“Name?” a burly man with a deep voice barks from behind a slot in the door.

I give the bouncer my information, and now I’m being escorted in by another hulk of a man, wearing a black-collared shirt with the lounge’s emblem over the left chest and a pair of gray slacks. His beefy arms flex as he walks, and I wonder how many years he’s been doing steroids because there’s no way this isn’t manufactured.

“Right through there, Miss.” He sweeps his hand out, gesturing for me to walk around a set of heavy velvet drapes.

The lights are dim, and blues music circulates through the room, a saxophone carrying the weight. It’s a moody, sensual ambience, which seems strange, considering it’s a bunch of dudes standing around talking about guy stuff.

I nod to the guy. “Thank you.”

He leaves me alone, and I take a second to collect myself and acclimate to the vibe of the place. I need to be prepared to play a part like a seasoned actress, and tonight, I’m not feeling it. With one final round of inhale and exhale, I go to step around the curtain, but familiar voices stop me in my tracks.

I shouldn’t eavesdrop.

I know it’s wrong.

But it’s Aiden and a part of me just wants to listen to him for a bit. To hear him in his element talking about things that excite him.

That motivate the enigma of a man.

The things that make him who he is today.

That’s all I want. To know him as he is now. Because no matter how much I wish it were different, we’re not the same people we were back home.

“How do I end this, Mike? I’m out of my element here.”

“You’re really hung up on this. You know it’s not healthy, Aiden. You have to focus on hockey. Your team needs you.”

“I know my job, Mike. I’m more than capable of handling my shit.”

“I don’t think you are. This was supposed to be easy. Something to help you loosen up. She’s got a hold on you that’s not healthy. You need to let her go.”

Aiden sighs. “You’re probably right.”

Mike chuckles. “Not for nothing, you’re kind of a big deal. You should’ve seen this coming a mile away. Just do what you’re doing. The cards will fall as they’re supposed to.”

My stomach bottoms out, and bile rises up my throat. I want to leave. I want to run.
