Page 14 of Paging Doctor Grump

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“You’re right. I don’t. You like to keep yourself closed off from everyone around you. Instead of being honest with people, you walk around like you know what’s best.”

Brookes spins to face me. “I don’t even know why we’re arguing right now. What’s the point of it? Do you think this is going to get us anywhere right now?”

“It’s making me feel better.” I heft my bag a little higher on my shoulders. “You have invaded every single part of my life, after making me feel worthless. If I want to feel shitty about that while I’m trapped with you in the woods, then I’m going to feel shitty about that.”

“You’re not worthless,” he says, his voice raspy.

A shiver runs down my spine and straight to my core. Even though we’re arguing, I’d be lying to say that the chemistry between us doesn’t make me want him more. I know that nothing good is going to come from letting Brookes in.

Not again. I opened myself up to him. I sat in that room and poured out my heart and soul. He took those moments of vulnerability and crushed them without a second thought.

“Yeah, I know that. Doesn’t mean that it’s not the way you made me feel.”

I’m tired of talking about this. I’m exhausted after spending this much time with Brookes, and we still have a little while to go. All I want is to be back home in a hot bath with a glass of wine and a book.

“We have to get back to the wilderness center before time runs out,” I say, changing the subject before he has a chance to continue arguing with me. “We should move faster if we want to get back in time.”

“I thought you said you didn’t want to run through the woods.” Brookes turns and continues to walk. “You’re going to have to hurry up if you want to make it back in time. I’ve been going slow so you could keep up.”

I raise my middle finger to his back, feeling like a petulant child. For a moment, I consider taking my time, but I know it’s just because I’m pissed at him for feelings I should be over by now.

Feelings I thought I was over until I had to start spending time with Brookes again.

“Good to know I’m not the only one who’s been acting like an ass,” I say as I kick a rock out of my way. “You’re not exactly the most warm and welcoming person to deal with either.”

His shoulders tense. “I wonder if that has anything to do with the way people keep judging me for who my dad is.”

A stab of guilt hits me right in the gut. I stare at his back, knowing that I should have kept my mouth shut. I haven’t been giving him an easy time.

Maybe I should be nicer to him.

“Come on,” he says, his voice gruff. “We have somewhere to be and I don’t have time for you to take your time.”

I hurry to keep up with him, through a patch of mud littered with leaves. I grimace as mud splashes up my legs. The ground slips beneath my foot and suddenly I feel like I’m falling.

Strong hands grab my arms, pulling me back to my feet. I grip Brookes’ biceps, looking up at him as my heart pounds. The look in his eyes is conflicted, but when he leans closer, I know he’s made up his mind.

As his lips press against mine, heat roars through my body.



Idon’t know what I’m doing. I should stop kissing Jessie and put some distance between us. I shouldn’t let the way she gives me shit get to me or turn me on, but I do. The way she runs her smart mouth only makes me want her more.

Which is why I kissed her. Why I’m still kissing her.

I only pull away from her when I need to breathe. Although, if I could find a way to never have to breathe again, I’m sure I would spend the rest of my life kissing her. Jessie’s lips are puffy, heat shining in her eyes. Her tongue darts out to lick that full bottom lip and I consider saying screw it to the hike and having my way with her.

Being with her again is a bad idea.

Except I like bad ideas. I crave them. Hell, I crave her.

“Really?” She arches an eyebrow. “You’re just going to kiss me and then stand there looking like you’re going to throw up?”

I chuckle, taking a step toward her. She takes a step back, the corner of her mouth twitching as her eyes widen. I keep advancing on her until we’re out of the mud and standing beneath a canopy of barren trees. Snowflakes fall around us, though it’s too warm for them to stick to the ground.

“First you stand there and argue with me, and now you’re upset I’m not kissing you?” I chuckle and shake my head. “I don’t look like I’m going to throw up, Jessie. I look like I want to kiss you again, but I don’t want to be kicked in the balls for doing it.”

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