Page 25 of Paging Doctor Grump

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“That’s right, Jessie, you ride my cock. We both know you love it. I know you’re not going to be able to get enough of it. Your greedy little pussy is going to have you begging for more.”

Wetness coats my inner thighs as I sit back. I lean backward, bracing my hands on his thighs and rolling my hips. Brookes groans, his cock throbbing inside me as my pussy clenches around him.

He’s right. I’m going to be begging for more. The way he feels inside me is enough to make me addicted to him.

“I’m going to come,” I say as he presses his fingers against my clit. He starts to circle my clit, keeping in time with his thrusts.

“Good girl,” he says, his voice raspy. “Come all over my cock. Fucking soak me.”

My pussy clamps down around him as my orgasm races through me. Brookes groans, his cock throbbing as his own orgasm comes hard and fast. He holds me tighter against him as I roll my hips, trying to draw out our orgasms for as long as possible.

As the waves of pleasure subside, I slump against him, my head on his chest. Brookes wraps his arms around my waist before rolling us onto our sides. His head dips toward mine as he kisses me.

“You don’t think I’m done with you yet, do you?” he asks as he puts me on my back. His fingers slide into my pussy as his thumb presses against my clit. My hips rock off the bed as he thrusts his fingers deeper into me. “I’m not even close to done with you. By the time you leave this bed, the only name you’re going to remember is mine.”

As his mouth covers my clit, I start to wonder how I’ll even be able to walk in the morning.

All I know right now is that I need him more than I’ve ever needed anything else.



Jessie’s hair fans out around her on my black silk sheets. She looks like an angel come down to earth just to torment me. What I want to do is wake her up and have my way with her again. I can’t get the feeling of her body wrapped around me out of my mind.

I don’t want this to be like last time though. Last night, something between us shifted.

I want her. I want to be with her even though it scares the hell out of me.

As I tuck my arm beneath my head, I watch her nestle deeper into the sheets. She pulls them closer to her body, sighing in her sleep. I smile and run my fingers along her hip.

There’s no way I want to get out of this bed right now.

Except I know for a fact that there’s no food in my fridge. Jessie’s going to want something to eat when she wakes up. Maybe a cup of coffee.

With a groan, I haul myself out of bed and head into the closet to get dressed. Jessie is still sleeping soundly as I leave the bedroom. She should still be asleep by the time I get back. There’s a little bagel shop just around the corner.

I hurry through the halls and to the elevator, eager to get breakfast and then crawl back into bed with Jessie. If she’s willing, I plan on spending the rest of the day with her. I want to spend time exploring her body until I know every inch of it. I want to burn the sounds she makes when I’m teasing her into my memory.

Humming to myself, I step off the elevator as soon as it reaches the lobby. As I walk, I keep my hands stuffed deep in my pockets. It’s a bright day outside, even if there is a light coating of snow on the ground. The air is cold and the wind bites as it rushes past.

It’s the perfect day to spend in bed with Jessie.

The scent of coffee wafts toward me as soon as I turn the corner at the end of the block. My stomach grumbles as I pull open the door to the little coffee shop. The line stretches back to the door. People shuffle forward but the wait seems endless.

By the time I place my order, I’m sure that Jessie’s going to be awake by the time I get back after all. Knowing her, she’ll probably be digging through my record collection and looking for something else to tease me for.

The woman doesn’t have a relaxation bone in her body. After watching her at work, it’s clear that she has to keep busy. I’ve never seen her slow down and I doubt that she does on the weekend.

Convincing her to stay in bed with me all day is going to take some serious pleading and several orgasms.

I’m looking forward to the task as the barista hands over the tray of coffees and bag of bagels. With a smile, I place a large tip into the jar before heading for the door. I’m going to have to hurry if I want to get back before she finds the baby pictures of me that are hidden in the bottom of my dresser.

The last thing I want is to ruin the night we had by letting Jessie find pictures of me in a bathtub with a dress made of bubbles. I don’t know why I even bother to keep those pictures.

Although, they were taken when my mom was still alive. Those pictures are from a happier time, when I didn’t have to worry about what the world around me thought. Now, I spend every day trying to prove to those around me that I’m capable of being a good doctor.

I sigh and walk a little faster, eager to get back to Jessie. Things between us are going to be different this time. I’m sure of it. We’re going to be able to move forward and work together well. There won’t be any lingering tension between us.
