Page 27 of Paging Doctor Grump

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Give me all the details.

Length. Girth. Tongue game.

All of it!!

Would you like the taste and texture too? Damn, Brea, this is not a free porno

All you need to know is that Brookes still knows the importance of multiple orgasms…

Igrin as I tuck my phone into the pocket of my lab coat, ignoring the way it keeps buzzing. There’s no doubt in my mind that Brea's going to spend the rest of the day messaging me trying to get more details.

Humming to myself, I make my way across the bright yellow room that reminds me vaguely of a highlighter. Being in the hospital break room too long makes my head hurt.

The scent of donuts fills the room as Mark drops two fresh boxes on the table as he walks in. Not that it would matter how fresh they were. For whatever reason, the scent of donuts always seems to linger.

He sits down at one of the two round tables, leaning back in a chair that looks like it came straight out of the eighties. The neon pink with bright blue squares is a fabric choice that haunts my dreams some nights.

I open up one of the cupboards and pull down a mug as the coffee craving intensifies. Mark opens one of the boxes and takes out a donut, staring at me as he takes a large bite. I raise an eyebrow as I pop the coffee pod into the machine and press the button.

“Are we really going to be in here together and not talk about what you were up to the other night?” Mark asks, his tone teasing as he leans back in his chair. “Because I thought that friends talk to each other about these things, but you don’t seem to want to talk to me about it at all.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I grab the cream and sugar from the fridge. “You’re going to have to tell me what you think you know.”

Mark smirks around his donut. We both know what he’s alluding to, but I won’t give him the satisfaction of admitting anything. Whatever Brookes said to him about the other night is between the two of them.

“Jessie, I know that there was some shit that went down between the two of you a couple years ago.”

I stiffen and look over at him. “Do you really think this is the appropriate place to be talking about this?”

“Does it really matter? Nobody else is here.”

“Then say whatever it is you came in here to say.”

The machine groans as it finishes filling the cup. My mouth waters as I dump the cream and sugar into my coffee before taking the first sip. It feels like my entire soul comes to life as the coffee flows through me.

With enough caffeine I might even be prepared to talk to Mark about my personal relationships.

Mark hums to himself and continues nibbling on the donut. I sigh and take another sip of my coffee. Whatever he wants to say is definitely going to suck all the energy out of me. Especially if he’s taking this long to say it.

“I knew who you were before we started working together.” Mark says the words so casually, like he isn’t dropping a bomb on my life. “I’ve been friends with Brookes for years.”

My mind starts spinning with the possibilities. I don’t think he knows about that night with Brookes all those years ago. What reason would he have for knowing? Brookes wouldn’t have spoken about the night he took off. It couldn’t have meant that much to him. If it did, he would have stayed.

“I figured you two knew each other,” I say, choosing my words carefully as I cup my mug with both hands. “I don’t see what that has to do with me though.”

Mark finishes off the donut and shrugs. “Well, he’s told me a lot about you over the years.”

My heart skips a beat. He’s talked about me?

I take another sip of coffee, stalling as I look away from him. Mark chuckles and gets up, joining me over by the counter. He leans against the cupboard beside me and crosses his arms.

“He messed up before with you. He knows that,” Mark says, his tone soft as another doctor walks into the break room. The doctor grabs a donut, nods to the pair of us, and leaves.

“And why are you the one telling me this?” I look at him over the rim of my mug.

“Because I think you need to hear it from someone who knows him. He said that he’s worried about you trusting him, and I can understand that after everything that happened between the two of you. He messed up, but he’s never spoken about a woman the way he has about you.”

I scoff and walk over to the sink, downing the rest of my coffee. As I wash out the mug and put it in the drying rack, I start to wonder if Mark is telling the truth.
