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There’s something about seeing a powerful man on his knees for me that has my pussy pulsating. He groans and pulls my satin thong down my legs, then works his way back up, kissing and nipping at the soft skin until his face is between my legs.

His fingers press into my thigh as he hoists my leg over his shoulder. My back arches off the wall as I run my fingers through his hair. At the first slow drag of his tongue along my slit, I feel like I’m going to come apart.

Brookes pulls away long enough to stand and reach behind me for my zipper. My pussy aches as he takes his time working the dress down my body, stopping to trace patterns on my skin with his tongue.

When the dress finally pools on the floor, he gets back on his knees and buries his face in my pussy again. I moan as he swirls his tongue around my clit, sucking on it until my hips are bucking against his face.

The second his fingers enter me, crooking to press against my inner walls, I come apart. His chuckle sends a shudder down my spine as he continues to tease me with his tongue.

“That’s it, Jessie,” he says, his voice husky. “Come all over my face. Let me taste you.”

No sooner have my legs stopped shaking than he picks me up and throws me onto the bed. I prop myself up on my forearms, watching him undress. His cock throbs as he fists it, approaching the edge of the bed.

When he kneels between my legs and enters me in one swift thrust, I see stars. Nobody else has ever made me feel this good and we’ve just barely gotten started with our night.

It’s official. Brookes McAllister has ruined sex with anyone else for me.



“Hello and welcome to the Nolan Case Wilderness Center!” A woman stands at the front of the room and claps her hands together. “My name is Dani and I run the wilderness center with my husband, Fletcher.”

The man standing beside her smiles and waves. “I’m not able to stay long. I have to get back to the city to take care of some business. However, Patrick is going to be giving the welcome presentation since I cannot be here to do so.”

Dani smiles up at Fletcher, looking like a puppy in love. Fletcher stoops down to kiss her quickly before making his way out of the center. I lean back against the hard plastic chair, looking at the other people in the room.

Thankfully, nobody sat at the table with me. They all paired off when they came in and found seats together. If there’s nobody sitting beside me, I might be able to make a run for the door.

“Good morning,” Patrick says, approaching with a tablet in one hand. “We have a short presentation on exactly what it is we do here at the center.”

I bite back a groan and pull out my notebook. I don’t want to be here. The last thing I want to do is spend weeks of my life stomping through the woods trying to rescue people.

It’s not that I don’t want to save people. I just have a deep dislike for the woods. The hate started when my dad died, and it’s only gotten worse since. However, I don’t get a choice in the matter.

This is some sick sort of karma, having to deal with being in the woods to win a coveted degree. It has to be karma.

Even thinking about what happened all those years ago starts to make me feel sick. While I may not be happy about spending weeks in the woods, it might be the only thing that gets me over my fear of the wilderness. Hell, it might be the one thing that will finally make my mom proud of me.

Though I’m not holding my breath over that.

Several weeks of emergency wilderness medicine for a fellowship at Sawatch Mountain University Hospital. It should be an easy trade-off, and the information will be invaluable, but I still want to throw up.

“Looking around, I can see most of you have paired up already,” Patrick says, grinning as Dani scurries across the room to turn off the lights. “This is good. We’re going to have you work in training teams for the duration of your time here.”

Stifling a groan, I close my eyes and tilt my head back. Even though medicine is a highly collaborative industry, I hoped there would be a chance I could work alone.

I need this fellowship, and now I have to rely on another person’s performance to get me there. This is perfect.

As I look around the room, I realize that there isn’t a single familiar face. It’s going to make fighting my fear that much worse. I don’t know these people. I don’t trust them. Any one of them could leave me alone and on my own to get through the program.

“This building is the Barn. It’s where you’ll be most of the time, but there are several older buildings on the property as well. The bunks are for your use while you’re here. I would recommend putting your name on your bunk. With winter coming, we sleep when we can. The last thing you want to do is head to your bunk for some sleep only to find out that someone else is already in it.”

Great. Sleeping here too.

I take a deep breath, trying to remind myself that I signed up for this. I knew what I was doing when I selected the program. I know where it will get me—as long as I can face my fears.

I can do this. I have to do this. Everything is going to be fine. I’m going to be fine.
