Page 37 of Paging Doctor Grump

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At least, I hope it’s going to be more than a fling. There are still times when Jessie looks at me like she thinks I’m going to disappear when she’s sleeping. I hate when she gives me that look, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

Dr. Reynolds sighs. “I know you’re probably going to ignore my advice, but if I were you, I would keep it away from the hospital. This is the last place in the world you want to be distracted. Lives are on the line. You need to focus on the residency.”

I nod. “I’m focused. This is the most important part of my life. I’m not going to let my relationship interfere with that.”

“See that it doesn’t.” Dr. Reynolds walks away, leaving me standing there wondering what the hell to do now.

Jessie and I are going to have to be professional at work. No more sneaking into empty on-call rooms to have a moment alone together. My focus has to be at the hospital, and I’m sure she feels the same.

I glance at my watch as it starts buzzing. A message from my dad appears on the small screen.

DAD: Your first month of residency is over soon. Thinking of calling it quits yet?

I scowl and delete the message, not bothering to respond. He can think what he wants about my job at the hospital.

For the first time in a very long time, I’m happy with the way my life is going.



The air is cold as I step out of Brookes’ car and look at the Barn. I take a deep breath, inhaling the scent of snow and pine trees. The sun shines overhead and fat white clouds drift across the sky.

Brookes yawns and clutches his travel mug to his chest. “I wish we didn’t have to be up here so early in the morning. I could have used more of a nap before we came up.”

I laugh and roll my eyes, rounding the car to take the coffee from him. “You wouldn’t feel like you need a nap if you didn’t keep both of us up all night.”

Brookes gives me a smile that sends my heart racing. Butterflies beat their wings against the inside of my stomach. He reaches out and tugs on a loose strand of my hair.

“I thought it was more important to hear you screaming my name when the sun came up.”

My cheeks feel like they’re on fire as Dani walks by and raises an eyebrow. She shoots me a subtle wink before turning and heading toward one of the other buildings on the property. I take a sip of the coffee, trying to settle the way my stomach twists and turns into knots.

I don’t know if I want people to know about my relationship with Brookes. If that’s even what it can be called right now. Until I know where this is going, I don’t want to have people staring at us and wondering how our relationship is going.

Right now, all I want is the space to explore the relationship and see where it leads.

Brookes chuckles. “We better get in there before Patrick comes out and starts looking for us.”

I look at the other cars in the parking lot and groan when I realize we’re the last to arrive. “I told you we should have left earlier.”

He smirks and crosses the parking lot, holding open the front door. “And I told you I wanted to have something sweet to eat before we left.”

My entire body feels like it’s on fire. This morning he insisted on spending more time between my legs than getting ready to go. I thought we would be able to make up the time on the drive. Even though we have, we’re barely on time.

Patrick looks up as we walk in, an easy smile on his face as he adjusts his ponytail. “Good. The two of you are here. It means we can get started a little earlier than I was planning to.”

I scowl at Brookes and hold his coffee hostage as I head to my seat and drop down into it. He takes the seat beside mine, looking smug. Brookes stretches his long legs out in front of him and crosses his arms as Patrick moves to the front of the room.

The other people in the room all look like they’re barely awake as they stare at Patrick. It’s far too early in the morning to try and pay attention, but with a little more coffee, I’ll be good to go.

“We’re going to be working on emergency vehicle and equipment training. The first task will be to pack your own rescue bag.” Patrick gestures to a pile of empty orange bags on a table at the front of the room.

He pulls over a portable whiteboard and flips it over. A list of supplies stares back at me. I read through the list, trying to commit it to memory. They’re all supplies that will be needed in addition to a basic first aid kit.

“After you guys pair up and pack a bag, I’m going to have the switchboard operator relay the situation we’re going to pretend to have. You’re going to grab what additional supplies you think you need. These additional supplies are what should be in the orange bag, but I’ve left them off the board. Once you find out the situation, it’ll be up to you to figure out what you’re missing.”

I look at Brookes while Patrick pulls out a massive timer from one of the cabinets and sets it up on one of the counters. Brookes winks at me, looking calm.
