Page 67 of Paging Doctor Grump

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As his tongue tangles with mine, my arms wrap around his waist. I hold him close even when the kiss ends.

“I’m never going to leave you,” he says, his voice raspy. “Not on the side of a mountain, not in my bed. You’re stuck with me forever.”

I look up at him, my heart swelling. “I can agree to those terms.”



Jessie sighs and clutches the pillow closer to her, the sheets cascading down the smooth curve of her back.

All I want to do is get back in that bed with her. I don’t want to go meet with my father. I don’t want to have to sit there while he finds another way to pick me apart and question all my life choices.

If he so much as gives a sideways look while speaking about Jessie, I’ll lose my shit.

As I grab my wallet and keys from the dresser, Jessie gives me a sleepy smile. My heart crashes through my chest and I’m more tempted than ever to crawl back under the covers.

Jessie swirls a finger in my direction. “Stop giving me that look.”

“What look?” I cross the room and brace my hands on the bed, leaning over to give her a quick kiss. “I’m not giving you any sort of look.”

She arches an eyebrow. “You know damn well that you are giving me a look. It’s the same look that had me coming home with you after our shift last night when I should have gone back to my own bed to get some sleep.”

“And are you upset that you ended up in my bed instead of your own?” My tone is teasing as I head to the closet for my leather jacket. “Because I certainly wasn’t hearing any complaints last night. In fact, I’m pretty sure you were begging for more.”

Jessie’s cheeks flush, her smug little smile my own personal siren song. “You should probably get out of here and go meet with your dad. The sooner you get it over with, the sooner you can come back to bed.”

“You make a good point.” I stand in the doorway, my gaze raking up and down her body. “Are you still going to be here when I get back?”

She nestles deeper into the pillows, her dark eyelashes brushing against her cheeks. “I could be.”

“Tell you what, I’ll go to the meeting as long as you promise to be here when I get back. Naked, wet, and waiting for me.”

Jessie laughs and yanks the pillow from beneath her head, tossing it across the room at me. I dodge the pillow, grinning.

Who the hell would have thought that my life would look like this only a few weeks after connecting with Jessie again?

“Go. Meet with your dad, and if I feel like playing nice, I’ll be naked.”

The blood in my body rushes straight to my cock. I should have left before I started teasing her. Now, walking out that door seems more impossible than before. I sigh and make a show of turning and stomping my feet.

Jessie’s laugh follows me to the door, lifting my mood despite what I’m about to deal with.

The host stops beside an empty table with a reserved sign in the middle. I smile and slide into one side of the booth. The smell of basil and cream sauces wafts around the restaurant.

After placing a menu in front of me, the host takes off. Dad appears a few minutes later, his face a blank mask. The lines at the corners of his eyes and mouth look a little more prominent. Streaks of gray hair shine at his temples.

He’s looking older than he ever has before.

I wonder if this last month has taken the same toll on him that it has on me.

“It’s good to see you.” He clears his throat, the words sounding foreign from his mouth. “It looks like you made it to the end of the month without ruining the residency. I have to admit, I’m impressed.”

I scowl and open the menu, looking down at it as I take a moment to gather my thoughts. “For the first time in my life.”

Dad shakes his head. “It’s my fault that you believe that.”

Someone slams a fist into my gut. It’s the only explanation for my sudden lack of air. This can’t be my father, admitting he might have made a mistake.
