Page 59 of Calder

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“Fuck. I have no clue,” I mutter.

“Calder, I can see that he will be well looked after here with you, but I need you to sign some paperwork for me. It is just stating that you are happy to take custody of him and will get a DNA test done to confirm that you are his father. if I am being honest, I can see how much he looks like you, but I have to follow protocol.”

“I get it, thanks. I will schedule a DNA test for tomorrow.”

I step over to a table where she has a shit ton of paperwork set out and start signing shit where she tells me. My mom has the baby in her arms cooing over him. My father has his arm around her shoulder while stroking the baby’s head.

Shit, I gave them a fucking grandson.

I have a son.

Once I am all done, Ms. Armstrong and the man she came with say their goodbyes and that they look forward to hearing from us. As soon as they are gone, I collapse into the nearest chair, Finan guiding me into it as my knees buckle.

Burying my head in my hands, my elbows rest on my knees as I try to regain normal breathing again.

“I have a fucking son.”

“That you do.” Magnum slaps me on the back.

“I always knew my swimmers were strong as fuck,” I joke, breaking some of the tension in the room.

“Or stupid and never knew when to quit before planting in the egg,” Maverick calls.

“It is not like you haven’t been around babies before. You were great with Dom, and we all know what a shit show Jack was back in the day,” Slide pipes up.

“Fuck off, old man. I am a great dad to that kid. I stepped up,” Jack informs him, flipping him off.

“Brother, you are amazing with Mable and Adley. Juni was easy as pie since she could wipe her own ass when she joined the family,” is Travis’ two cents.

The guys go quiet, and the soft tone of my mom soothing my son is all I can hear, besides my heart thumping in my chest. My body feels heavy, with the shock and fear that are sitting heavy on my shoulders.

Images of Kady beneath me slip into the fog, her smiling at me, and it makes my heart hurt and my stomach fucking tense the hell up. Will she want this with me? Fuck me, we only just started and now a baby who is not hers has been thrown into the mix.

Fuck my life.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I look up to find her, but she is not where she once was with Tree. My gaze sweeps around the room and I spot her, talking to Joss and Risky.

My heart sinks into my boots when she turns her head to look at me and I see regret, and sorrow shining back at me.

She is going to walk away from me.

Tears fall down her cheeks, her fingers are twisting with anxiety in front of her. Anger with pain laces through me.

I get that we are new, but fuck me, for her to just walk away without speaking to me pisses me off.

I can’t deal with this right now. I shake my head at her, and my gut doubles in knots seeing her bite her bottom lip to keep her sobs at bay.

Pulling my gaze from her, not wanting to see her walk out of the room, I push to my feet and step over to my folks who are still cooing over my son. My mom smiles up at me, pride and love oozing from her.

“He is so handsome, Calder. I know that he is a surprise. He is a gift you never knew that you wanted, but he is here now. I love him already.” She sniffles, crying softly.

There was a time when we thought we would lose her, but my mom is a tough cookie. She may be soft spoken and sweet, but she loves her family fiercely, and will do anything to keep them safe.

“You okay, Son?” my father speaks up.

Nodding, I reply. “As okay as I can be, I guess. Never expected to end the day as a father but here we are. I refuse to join the dad-bod club,” I say in jest, making people laugh.

I fucking hate tension. My life is led by the club and an easy day; I’ve never wanted anything heavy to hold me down, but fuck me, a kid is a pretty heavy thing to deal with.
