Page 30 of In the Shadows

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But that fact wouldn’t stop me from taking her out again, and I knew it.

“Please leave so I can see what’s going on.” I retrieved the chair as the door clicked behind Dope and sat down. Grabbing the mouse, I directed the arrow to one of several adult videos. The music played in the background as she showered, the suds running over her large tits. My cock sprang to life as I watched her. Good god, she was beautiful. I stopped that video and clicked on another and another. Video after video was of her naked and getting herself off for the camera. Jealousy stirred inside me, and I clicked out of the website. My damn dick hurt so bad, I considered using Dope’s bathroom to rub one out, but the more I thought about thousands of other men looking at her, my cock deflated. I couldn’t reconcile that this was the same woman who blushed and smiled shyly at me over dinner.

I forced myself to read the rest of the information Dope had pulled up. “Damn. It makes sense now,” I mumbled. Ella was paying her father’s medical bills, and they were astronomical. She could buy another house with the money she was spending.

Sinking back into the chair, I matched the dates between her father’s diagnosis and her cam job. They lined up. My stomach twisted into knots. She was selling her body the safest way possible to save her dad. Fuck, that took guts, and instead of turning me away from her, it pulled me toward her. Even though I didn’t like the idea of other men getting off watching her, I had mad respect for her determination. Before I got carried away with my rationalizations, I wanted to see if I was correct, but getting an answer would take time. I pulled up an additional tab and typed the hospital name where her father was being treated. Once I found what I was looking for, I removed my wallet from my back pocket and paid every penny of his medical bills. She would probably hate me if she ever found out, but it was a chance I was willing to take. All I wanted was to help and give her a choice whether to work the cam job or not.

“Dope! Come on in.” I stood as he joined me again. “She’s working a cam job for fuckers to watch her so she can pay her dad’s medical bills. He has cancer that attacks the nervous system.”

“Yeah, primary central nervous system lymphoma. Or CNS.” Dope took his chair back, eyeing me. He was probably wondering if I was about to fly off the damn handle again.

“No offense, dude, but your temper is getting worse since you first saw her. Keep it focused in the right direction, man, and that ain’t me.” He leaned over, grabbed his weed off the desk, and rolled a fat one. “I highly recommend a smoke.” Dope extended it to me.

“You know I’m not worth shit if I smoke, but thanks.”

“Then we gotta schedule a time out for ya. Knock the edge off your sharp corners. The last time we were supposed to lie low, you nearly?—”

“Say it,” I snarled, my hands fisting tightly.

“You nearly cost us. We can’t get caught. We’ll fucking lose everything we’ve worked our asses off for.”

“I didn’t cost us shit, asshole.”

“The son of a bitch saw you.” Dope shook his head, perplexed.

“Not for long he didn’t.” I smirked.

“Bass, come on, man. You beat the shit out of him, and his life is hanging by a thread. That’s not what we do.”

A heavy beat of silence pulsed through the air.

“Maybe you should consider some underground fights again if you need to work off that adrenaline.”

It wasn’t a bad idea. I fed off the fights, the way my fists connected with the cartilage, the sound of the snap when bones broke. It was brutal and vicious, and it had consumed me for years until I found a new way to direct my pent-up energy. It was another reason I worked so much, to keep my fucking ass out of jail.

“The last time I stepped into the ring the cops had been tipped off.” I clenched my jaw, reliving the crowd running wild and people being trampled and killed in the process. My opponent and I were the last to find out the police had shown up, and we almost didn’t make it out in time. I refused to ever be someone’s prison bitch, so I’d hung up my fighting days three years ago. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss it. Over that time, I’d worked hard to smooth out my rough edges, at least around other people, but Dope and Kip still saw that part of me that loved to live on the edge of danger.

I rubbed my forehead, exhausted from the long hours at the bar as well as our extra excursions. “Enough. This conversation is fucking over. I can’t risk being covered in bruises, mate. It will cause too many questions.” I didn’t want to talk about my issues anymore.

Dope returned to the computer, the sound of the keys clacking beneath his fingertips the only sound in the room. He slid me a sideways glance, probably gauging my temper before he said anything else.

“Okay, Bass, listen. Let’s just rip the Band-Aid off. The worst is the cam job. I didn’t find anything else. My guess is that no dudes are rocking her boat since she’s only on the screen for viewing, not tangled up with guys for the camera. That’s a plus.”

My fists clenched and unclenched as my anger punched me in the chest. “You want to help me with my temper? I suggest you shut the fuck up.”

I was done. I’d already been on fucking edge about seeing Ella tomorrow, and after what I’d just learned about her, my nerves were as taut as a high wire in the wind, on the verge of breaking.

“Fair enough. Didn’t mean to get your panties in a twist.” He grinned at me, and I had to laugh. The motherfucker never let up. Dope knew me better than anyone else, and I trusted him with my life, but some days he annoyed the shit out of me. But if I was going to date Ella, I had to make sure I could trust Dope with her life, too.

“You good now? We gotta figure some shit out, but you have to be right in the head.” He tapped the side of his skull with his first two fingers. “As you tell us all the time, no mistakes are allowed. It’s too dangerous out there.”

I briefly closed my eyes, calming my mind and ridding it of any thoughts that would jeopardize us. Standing behind him and forcing myself to focus, I said, “Let’s do this.”

“That’s what I wanted to hear.”

Dope’s fingers flew across the keyboard again, pulling up information on Sarah Thompson.

“Okay, she’s got two kids, ages twelve and nine. A boy and a girl. They’re rich as fuck, so that might make things more difficult. Cameras are located around the house and property, which won’t be a problem when we make our move.” Dope sucked air through his teeth, creating a soft whistle.
