Page 82 of In the Shadows

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“Kip and I have been in an intensive care unit waiting room, and we just came out to grab some coffee and see if you were here. We actually arrived not long after they brought Sebastian in. When I talked to the doctor, I told him that I was Sebastian’s brother, so he could discuss his medical needs with me.”

My insides quivered as I worked up my courage. “Do you have an update? Is Sebastian going to live?” I asked over the thundering of my heart.

Chapter 38


“He’s alive, Ella. I just got a text message that he’s still in surgery, but almost finished. They’ve been decent about sending me updates during the operation.”

I blew out a sigh, tears spilling down my cheeks. “He can’t die, Dope. He fucking can’t.”

Dope surprised me with a warm hug, then pulled away. “He’s a badass dude. He’s going to be fine. Wait and see.”

Dope’s words didn’t match the fear in his voice, but I loved that he was attempting to stay positive.

“One of the cops that was on the scene is here. I just talked to him, but they’re still investigating the accident. I’m trying to make sense of how this happened in the first place.”

Kip cleared his throat. “He’d had a long night at the bar. Bass is a hard head and needs to take some time off to sleep and enjoy life, but he’s always burning the candle at both ends. I suspect he fell asleep at the wheel.”

I rubbed my arms, warding off an eerie chill. Images of the files at the law office flickered through my mind’s eye, and I quickly masked my thoughts. For now, I would have to stay alert and attempt to figure out what my subconscious was telling me.

“My best friend Cami is with me. Why don’t you join us while we all wait?”

“Sounds good,” Kip said.

Dope stuffed his hand in his jeans pocket before he agreed.

I led them over to Cami and introduced them. Over the next several hours, Dope and Kip reminisced about old times with Sebastian, and I learned a bit more about how these guys met in middle school and grew up together. Dope wasn’t shy about sharing hilarious stories about the shenanigans they got into, including hot-wiring his mom’s car one night to drag race.

I laughed between my tears as they explained that his mom’s car was a Pinto with zero horsepower, and they got their asses kicked. Apparently, Dope and Sebastian were the two in trouble all the time. Kip joined them but often cleaned up their messes.

I discreetly glanced at Kip, the wheels turning in my mind as I tried to piece my suspicions together. I wasn’t sure who he really was or how he was connected to Death, but there were hidden secrets I had to uncover. For Sebastian’s sake. The possibility that I had slept with Sebastian’s best friend still rattled my soul, but at the moment, I didn’t have any proof to back it up, only a bad feeling.

“I’m glad you’re both here. It’s comforting to hear about all the good times you’ve had with Sebastian. I have to trust there will be more.” What I said was true, but there was another important factor I was searching for, and they made it easier to sift through since they were together. However, I wasn’t ready to deal with that yet, and I shoved it out of my mind for the time being.

Dope set his arms on his legs and stared at the floor, the air changing from good memories to heartbreak.

I shifted in my seat and leaned my head on Cami’s shoulder right before a tall man in green scrubs entered the room. “Hal Whitney?”

Dope shot out of his chair, raising his hand. Kip and I followed in case we could also learn about Sebastian.

The doctor took one look at us and turned to Dope. “I’m Dr. Roggins, one of Sebastian’s surgeons.” He peered at Kip and me and rubbed his stubbled jawline. “Only family, I’m sorry.”

“We’re all brothers and sisters,” Dope explained.

“Half,” I chimed in. “That's why we don’t look alike. We all grew up in the same house, though.” I hoped like hell my added lie would help.

“Ah, okay. Well, Sebastian made it through surgery. He had a punctured lung, head trauma, and internal bleeding. We stopped the bleeding of the liver. As for the head trauma, we won’t know how serious it is until he wakes up.”

“What does that mean, exactly? Will he have amnesia or be in a coma the rest of his life?” Kip asked, unable to disguise his frantic tone.

“We haven’t seen signs of permanent damage, but again, we have to wait until he regains consciousness to assess the situation fully. I’m sorry I can’t tell you more yet. But he’s alive. Let’s try to focus on the positive. Now it’s just a matter of time to see what happens.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose, soaking in what Doctor Roggins had just said. Sebastian was alive. “When can we see him?”

“He was just moved into a private room. You all can come back. Give him a bit of time to wake up and don’t overwhelm him with questions, though. Let him acclimate.”

“We promise,” I said.
