Page 12 of The Upper Crush

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‘I don’t understand.’

Pushing upright, he held out a hand. ‘I’m the CEO of BDE Entertainment.’

Estelle’s fingers curled inward to form fists.

You shine brighter than anyone else…

Had he really murmured those words in her ear?

Dropping his arm, he glanced over her shoulder at Max. ‘Go to the nearest decent café and get us—’ He broke off and frowned. ‘No, safer to find a Starbucks. Double espresso for me and make sure it’s in two cups to keep it warm.’ His attention came back to Estelle. ‘What would you like?’

You to turn back into Kevin? Disappear in a puff of smoke? Spontaneously combust?

She shook her head. ‘Nothing.’

James kept his gaze on her as he spoke to Max. ‘Cappuccino?’

Surprise rippled through her like an electric shock. How did he guess right?

His nostrils flared at her reaction, as if scenting victory. ‘And make it a double shot.’

Her mouth fell open. She quickly snapped it shut again.

A dangerous smile spread across James’s face. ‘No sugar. She’s sweet enough.’

‘Screw you,’ she spat, attempting through the force of will alone to summon lightning bolts from her eyes.

He raised an eyebrow, and a traitorous flame of arousal flickered low in her belly. She stamped it out.

‘Screw me?’ he replied casually. ‘Is that an invitation?’

Estelle’s mind immediately flashed an image of James’s naked body above her, and desire shot from her belly to her chest. She sucked in a breath.

His expression darkened, then he glanced at Max. ‘Go on, then. Use the company card.’

‘No,’ she said.

‘No to…?’ James let the question hang in the air.

Shut this down. Now. ‘Coffee. You. Everything.’

He paused. ‘I’m really not as bad as you think.’

‘I know. You’re worse.’

Something that looked like vulnerability flickered across his features. ‘Will you at least give me a chance to prove you wrong?’

‘When hell freezes over.’

The look disappeared and he shrugged. ‘Apparently the climate is changing.’

She gave him her frostiest glare in return.

He didn’t break eye contact. ‘Max, why are you still here?’

‘Um—’ Max began.

‘He stays,’ Estelle interrupted.

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