Page 13 of The Upper Crush

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‘Do you feel unsafe around me?’ James asked.

Only because my stupid lips want to kiss your stupid face.

The intensity of his stare was making her tummy swoop.

Think! ‘You attacked my brother.’

‘I did? Which one?’

‘Henry, of course. Connor and Leo know to avoid you like the plague.’

James stepped behind the desk and sat. ‘Please, take a seat.’

She didn’t move. Despite the unsettled rage, she didn’t trust herself not to lurch straight into his arms like an out-of-control robot fuelled by sex hormones.

‘Look,’ he began. ‘Much as I would rather believe your version of what happened back in June, the truth, and you know it, is that your delightful brother punched me, not the other way around.’

‘You were coming onto Summer.’

James steepled his fingers as his dark eyes held hers. ‘So, talking to a woman during the day in a public space warrants an unprovoked attack and a broken nose?’

‘You stole Henry’s girlfriend,’ she blustered.

‘No, I kept Elizabeth company after your brother stood her up.’

‘He didn’t stand her up.’

‘Oh, yes, of course,’ James replied, his voice dripping with sarcasm. ‘He was just an hour and a half late for their date.’ He glared at Max. ‘Leave.’

Estelle turned. ‘Stay.’

Max was glancing between them, a smirk back on his lips.

She faced James. ‘And you also stole Henry’s client, the deal he was working on, and his commission.’

He gave her a half shrug. ‘So, hitting me was justified?’

Estelle hesitated. She knew it wasn’t, but right now the overwhelming urge to kiss James was nicely balanced by the urge to punch him.

He eyeballed her.

She stared back. Do not break. Do not even blink.

‘Er…’ Max began.

‘Go,’ James snapped, at the same time she said ‘stay’.

‘Estelle—’ James began.

‘Do not call me that,’ she hissed at him.

His eyes widened as if genuinely surprised.

Shit! She’d spoken without thinking. The sound of her name on James’s lips felt far too intimate, but she knew she’d just set herself up for something far worse.

‘Would you prefer “Lady Foxbrooke”?’

She shook her head, her cheeks heating in anticipation of what was coming next.
