Page 142 of The Upper Crush

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‘I don’t know how long I’m going to be,’ he murmured. ‘But every moment I’m not trying to get Dad home, I’ll be working on the festival. I promise.’

Estelle didn’t reply. James didn’t know what he was heading into, and she didn’t want to accept a promise he couldn’t keep. No matter what he said, she couldn’t help her abandonment issues clawing at her guts. She’d wanted to run the festival on her own, but after making the decision last year to partner with an external company, the event had grown into a beast that needed a team to handle, not one person on their own. And she was tired of being the one who the buck stopped with. Estelle wanted to do this with James by her side.

But he was leaving. And just as the really hard work was about to start. How long would it take to get his dad out of jail? A week? A month? Till the festival itself? And what would happen when it was over? James had made no secret of his desire to leave Somerset behind as soon as it was done. It had taken months for Estelle to admit she liked him, and now nothing was ever going to happen between them. The loss of what might have been felt more painful than the loss of any actual relationship from her past.

As he held her tighter, Estelle became aware of the only soft part of James now becoming hard enough to hammer in nails. Glancing up, she raised an eyebrow.

‘I’m stressed out of my mind,’ he said. ‘Not dead.’

His gaze became heated, and her pulse quickened. Now she was giving herself permission to find James attractive, her body was purring like a sports car, just waiting for his touch to accelerate her from nought to sexty in under two seconds.

Her lips parted in an unconscious invitation, her tongue darting out to lick them.

James made a low sound in the base of his throat and brought his head towards hers.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Estelle knew exactly what his kisses felt like, and her body flushed with anticipation of what was to come.

‘Babe! There you are! And Estelle!’

She jerked away from him as his mother hurried down the corridor towards them, her face make-up free and her eyes red and puffy.

‘How are you holding up?’ Estelle asked.

Beverley grabbed her hands and squeezed tightly, the rings on her fingers digging into Estelle’s skin. ‘Oh, doll, I’m a mess!’

‘How can I help?’

‘I dunno, babe. Just be here? Soph can’t stay all the time and if I’m rattling about here on my own, I’m gonna lose it.’

‘Absolutely.’ Estelle’s heart sank. Did this mean she’d have to move in? What about the livery? Duke? Chester and Joy?

Beverley glanced around. ‘Where are your doggies?’

‘I didn’t know how today would pan out, so thought it best they stayed at home.’

‘I could do with the distraction, if I’m honest.’

‘Shall I bring them tomorrow then?’

‘You’re coming back?’ Beverley’s chin wobbled. ‘Even though our James isn’t here?’

‘Of course. Hopefully, we’ll have staff soon, so I’ll need to be on site, anyway.’

Still clasping Estelle’s hands so hard the blood supply was being cut off, Beverley turned to her son, her eyes liquid. ‘Isn’t she the best, babe?’

‘She is,’ James replied, his voice a dark rumble that vibrated through Estelle.

‘Have you had any brekkie?’ Beverley asked.

‘Not yet, I—’

‘Well, come with me then.’ She pulled Estelle down the corridor towards the manor’s kitchen. ‘James will make your coffee unless you want a cup of instant?’

Estelle glanced back over her shoulder at James and pulled a face.

‘I’ll make Estelle a cappuccino now.’
