Page 146 of The Upper Crush

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‘Because I need you to know that I don’t want to go. I want to be here. With you.’

She swallowed. ‘We should go inside. I need to calm the dogs and wash my feet.’

He glanced down, then swept her into his arms.

‘What are you doing?’ she gasped.

‘It’s always been a fantasy of mine to carry a heavily armed, barefoot woman.’

She giggled. ‘What other fantasies do you have?’

‘Can I show you?’

‘Will I like them?’

‘That’s the whole point,’ he rumbled, his voice dropping an octave. ‘Getting you off is at the core of all of them.’

Her lips parted and she sucked in a breath.

Despite the desire raging through him, urging him to lower his mouth to hers, he carried her into the house then lowered her to the floor. ‘I’ll calm the dogs.’

‘I’ll sort my feet and put the gun away,’ she replied breathlessly.

He nodded, then turned towards the kitchen before he hauled her into his arms.

Chester and Joy were delirious with excitement at the sight of him, jumping up and down in their cage. James quietened them, had a glass of water and washed his hands.

Butterflies fluttered in his stomach. He’d closed the most high profile of deals, rowed Oxford to victory in the boat race, and successfully kept his parents out of his public life since he was seven. Yet none of these situations generated the same kind of nerves as the prospect of sleeping with Estelle Foxbrooke. The feelings were deeper, the stakes higher. He had to prove himself worthy of her.

Turning off the kitchen light, he made his way through the night-silent house and up the stairs.

He paused outside her room. ‘Estelle?’

She opened the door. Her hair was down, her robe gone to reveal a silky nightdress that ended just above her knees.

He unashamedly took her in, her endless dark eyes, her flushed face, the creamy lace of the nightgown that framed her cleavage. His gaze snagged on her nipples, poking through the fabric as if begging to be sucked, and his cock throbbed inside his jeans.

‘Star,’ he murmured.

She swallowed. ‘Take off your clothes.’

Unbuttoning his shirt, he pulled it off and dropped it to the floor.

She stared at his chest, her breath quickening.

Pride surged through him at all the work he’d put into his physique.

Undoing his jeans, he tugged them off, taking his boxers and socks with them, then stood naked in front of her, feet apart, arms slightly away from his sides, his palms facing forward, his cock pointing straight at her.

It’s all yours.

Her hand flew to her heart and she ran her tongue across her lips. ‘You are…’

He clenched, and his dick slapped loudly against his belly.

She swallowed again. ‘One arrogant bastard.’

He raised an eyebrow. ‘How about you put me in my place?’
