Page 159 of The Upper Crush

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‘That’s come around so soon.’

‘Well, time does fly when you’re working every hour of the day and every day of the week.’

Estelle was silent. The weight of it all went down to her bones. She knew James hadn’t abandoned her, but it was like all the years she’d spent trying to keep the Foxbrooke estate afloat whilst Henry hid in London. Again, she felt very alone. Only this time, it was more and more difficult to drag herself out of bed each morning.

Eveline reached across and took her hand. ‘I’m concerned about you.’

Estelle bristled. ‘I’m fine.’

‘I know you are. I just wonder when you’re going to take any time out. Since meeting Jack, I’ve learnt to give myself the same care as others and I want you to do the same. When did you last ride Duke? Practice your archery?’

Estelle shrugged. She’d ridden her beloved horse only a handful of times in the last few months. ‘I’ll take a break when the festival’s over.’

‘And what about your birthday? Do you have any plans for that?’

‘None. My thirtieth last year with Henry was enough celebrating for one decade. I don’t have any time and I don’t want any fuss.’

Eveline was quiet. Estelle could almost see the workings of her mind as she calculated how far she could push it.

‘Well,’ she began brightly, ‘if you’re at a loose end, I want you to come to the rectory, even if just for a bacon sandwich.’

Estelle smiled, but her heart was heavy. The festival was her chance to do something wonderful, but it was sucking the life out of her and not turning out how she’d envisaged.

‘Is everything on track?’

She puffed out her cheeks. ‘It doesn’t feel like it is. And…’ She lowered her voice even though there was no-one else in the room. ‘I know I should feel empathy for James, but right now I want to kill him.’

‘Oh, dear. Why?’

‘He won’t give me access to the bank account and makes every payment go through him. He’s cutting corners even though there’s the budget to cover the costs.’

‘Is there?’


‘Enough money?’

‘Of course there is. How much BDE Entertainment is providing is in the contract I signed.’

Eveline gave her a look and lowered her own voice. ‘Do you think that maybe James is having to divert some of the cash flow into, er, helping get Kevin out of prison?’

‘Don’t you mean bribe?’

Eveline gave a half shrug.

‘I don’t know. Maybe that’s part of it? But it started at the beginning of the year.’

‘Have you spoken to him about it?’

‘Yes, but he just fobs me off and says he wants us to come in under budget.’

‘Surely that’s a good thing?’

‘Not if it’s going to make the festival crap.’

‘Has he changed any of the acts?’

Estelle shook her head.
