Page 160 of The Upper Crush

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‘Well then, that’s the main bit. Isn’t it?’

‘But if the fence doesn’t hold, then we’ll break our licensing agreement.’

‘Have you sold out of tickets?’


‘Then it’s unlikely there’ll be gatecrashers.’

Estelle knew Eveline was being pragmatic, but it didn’t make her feel any better. On the issue of the budget, James was being a cheapskate, a quality she abhorred. After nearly a lifetime of hating him, she’d almost performed a complete one-eighty. But this nagged at her, making her question her revised opinion of him.

‘Apart from this,’ Eveline asked, ‘how are you getting on with James?’

Estelle’s body flushed with heat. Had she really had sex with him? The memories seemed like a fever dream. She didn’t know how to answer without giving a blatant lie or confessing everything. She knew Eveline wouldn’t judge, but the fact remained that James was leaving Foxbrooke the moment the festival was over. That was, if he ever returned from China.

‘Just remember, it’s not long to go now,’ Eveline continued in a cheery voice. ‘Then you never have to see him again.’

Estelle’s silence continued.

‘Unless you want to?’ The question hung in the air.

The sound of running footsteps in the corridor outside was a blessed relief. Estelle could avoid answering and get back to fire-fighting.

But it wasn’t one of the new hires that burst into the room. It was Beverley.

‘They’re on their way home, babes! Kev’s coming back!’

Adrenaline shot Estelle to her feet. ‘What happened?’

‘I don’t know!’ Beverley crossed the room, smoothing her hair with shaking hands as if Kevin was about to arrive. She glanced at Eveline. ‘Maybe it was all your praying?’ Biting her lip, she cast her eye around the office as if checking it was clean and tidy enough for the return of the king.

Estelle’s heart thumped in her chest. ‘When are they arriving?’

‘Tonight.’ Beverley’s fingers were now brushing invisible lint off her skirt. ‘Can you stay until they get here?’

‘Yes, of course,’ she replied, suddenly desperate for a change of clothes, a hair wash and a full face of make-up.

‘Thanks, babe. That way you can give Elyse a lift back to yours.’

Elyse. A sudden pang of frustration and sadness stabbed at Estelle’s heart. Nothing was simple. James couldn’t sneak out of his parent’s house to visit her when Elyse was in the room next door, and she couldn’t visit him here either. And anyway, what was she hoping for? They’d had a one-night-stand months ago, followed by emails and the occasional terse call, all about the festival. Once James was back, there was no time for anything other than work.

Beverley’s eyes darted from side-to-side as if tracking a hyperactive fly. ‘I’ve gotta go. I need to get the manor cleaned up. Eveline, lovely to see you, babes. Pop by next week?’

Eveline took a breath, but Beverley didn’t wait for a reply, scuttling from the room and closing the door behind her.

‘What a wonderful turn of events,’ Eveline said. ‘I’m so pleased Kevin’s on his way home.’

James is coming back.

‘And James and Elyse as well. You must be so relieved.’

The butterflies in Estelle’s stomach didn’t feel particularly relieved. They were flapping about and colliding with each other like teenagers at a house party after the unexpected arrival of the host’s parents.

Eveline sighed happily. ‘I bet James is looking forward to leaping back in the saddle and getting his hands all over things in person again.’

Estelle bit her tongue, remembering the last time James had his hands over her in person.

‘He’ll be able to get stuck right back in,’ Eveline continued, then caught sight of Estelle’s face and frowned. ‘Oh, I didn’t think. You must have got used to your own space again. Will you be gentle with him? He’s been through an awful lot.’
