Page 164 of The Upper Crush

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‘Any French Fancies?’

‘What do you think?’

She smiled at him, then her eyes filled with tears. She hugged him tightly. ‘I’m so glad you’re home, babe,’ she said into his chest. ‘Thank you for bringing your dad back to me.’

Pausing outside the door between the manor and the office wing, James stood straighter and put on a smile. He was calm, confident, and in control.

The entry hall was filled with jackets and shoes. So much had changed since he’d left. Even though he knew the names of the new staff and had been in touch with them daily, he’d never met them in person.

The door at the end of the corridor was ajar. Chester’s fluffy head poked itself through the gap, then the whole of him barrelled forward, yapping loudly.

James picked him up. ‘Hey, little buddy. Pleased to see me?’

A second later, Joy was by his side, her front paws on his waist.

Doors opened and heads poked out to stare at them.

Estelle exited their office. ‘James, meet everyone. Everyone, meet James. Why don’t we all go into the conference room for some proper introductions?’

James followed Estelle into the largest of the rooms, which was already a hive of activity. He kept his stance relaxed, but all eyes were on him. Extending his hand to the person nearest him, he turned on the charm, clocking which of the staff fancied him and which ones wanted to be his new best friend. It wasn’t arrogance. Ever since he was seven, he’d trained himself to be highly attuned to how people viewed him, and, thank fuck, none of the new hires had the same attitude as Max.

‘Right, I think that’s done it,’ Estelle said brightly as he’d finished greeting the last person. ‘James now has to crack on, starting by making me a cappuccino with a unicorn drawn in the foam.’

There were a few giggles.

‘It’s true,’ he said. ‘Although I’m a little out of practice, so it might be more of a sea monster.’

More giggles.

Estelle rolled her eyes and went to the door. ‘I’ll be in my office if anyone needs me.’

‘And I’ll be in Estelle’s office too,’ James added. ‘If the cappuccino is up to scratch.’

‘Do you need help?’ Carly, one of the new hires asked. ‘The machine’s in Italian.’

‘Grazie mille, ma so come lavorarci,’ James replied. ‘I know how to work it.’

Carly took a sharp intake of breath. ‘Parli Italiano?’

He smiled and tilted his head. ‘Sì, un po. Capisco abbastanza per far funzionare la mia macchina da cafe. Enough to work my coffee machine.’

‘Mio Dio,’ Carly murmured, her hand flying to her chest.

‘Fuck my life,’ Estelle muttered, then clapped her hands. ‘Right, back to work, everyone.’ She eyeballed James. ‘A cappuccino please, Casanova. And make it a double shot.’

He grinned at her. ‘Il tuo desiderio è il mio comando, Stella.’

She scowled. ‘What does that mean?’

He lifted a shoulder in a nonchalant Italian-style shrug.

Estelle turned to Carly. ‘What did he just say?’

Carly blushed. ‘Er, he said “your wish is my command”, and called you “Star”.’

The silence in the room was electric.

What’s wrong with you? You’re flirting with her in front of the staff!
