Page 165 of The Upper Crush

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Estelle cleared her throat. ‘Well, er, let’s hope—er, marvellous. Carry on.’ She strode out of the room.

James followed, but by the time he entered the corridor, Estelle had disappeared.

Get a hold of yourself, dickhead.

As if to emphasise his internal thoughts, his cock twitched in his pants.


Going to the kitchen to make Estelle her coffee, he tried to talk some sense into himself. Her life was in Somerset and he wanted his back in London. They’d had sex, but that didn’t mean she actually liked him. From her emails over the last few weeks, it was clear how pissed off he’d made her.

By the time he walked the perfect cappuccino along the corridor, he’d got everything straight again. He would be professional all the way and wait for Estelle to make a move.

‘What was all that?’ she hissed as he entered the office.

He rifled through the mess on her desk until he found the coaster he was looking for, one which had the words ‘make me wet’ on it.

Placing the coffee down, he met her gaze. ‘All what?’

‘The Italian stallion act. Were you trying to make Carly spontaneously orgasm?’

Going to his desk, he adjusted the position of the fur Q and fork U. ‘No, solo tu.’ Shut up, shut up, shut up!

Estelle may not have spoken Italian, but by the change in her expression, he knew she’d worked out he’d just said ‘no, only you’.

She stalked towards him. ‘You’ve lost weight,’ she said crossly, her chest rising as she breathed. ‘You need to eat more. Get your stamina back. You’re going to need it.’

A traitorous eyebrow raised.

She swallowed. ‘For the festival.’

James’s resolve was crumbling. When he was apart from Estelle, he could almost convince himself to do the right thing. But then, when he was with her, his mouth ceded operational control to his dick.

‘It’s going to be hard,’ she said, her voice cracking.

‘It already is,’ he murmured.

Sense memories assaulted him; the taste of her skin, her tongue slicking against his, the sight of her as she orgasmed, the feel of her pussy squeezing his cock.

Her eyes widened and she nervously licked her lips.

A bolt of lust hit him in the balls.

Somehow, the space between them had narrowed. Her scent travelled up his nostrils and straight into his bloodstream.

‘James,’ she whispered. ‘We—’

He wasn’t sure who moved first, but suddenly their bodies collided. He enveloped her in his arms and she dug her nails through his shirt into his back. Blinding sensation seared through him as his tongue clashed with hers. Grabbing her backside, he tugged her onto his cock and she ground against him, moaning low in her throat. The sound was fuel to the fire inside him. It had been smouldering every moment they’d been apart, and now it was raging.

Over the roaring of blood in his ears, he heard a loud knocking, then barking.

Estelle leapt away, running back to her side of the room, and he dashed behind his desk and sat, hiding his obvious arousal.

‘Yes?’ Estelle asked, then lifted her cappuccino and tried to bury her face in it.

James ran his hands through his hair as the door opened and Zeke, another new staff member, came in.

‘Sorry to bother you,’ he began, looking at Estelle. ‘I’ve got the numbers you wanted for ticket sales.’ He held a piece of paper out. ‘Should I…’
