Page 170 of The Upper Crush

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‘So you can practise finding the right hole on your wedding night?’

‘Fuck off.’

James smiled. He’d take a weekend playing golf over enduring a visit to a strip club every time. ‘Yeah, I’ll sort it for you. Email me a list of names and I can take it from there.’

‘Cheers, mate, you’re a legend. You still looking for work in London?’

James’s heart jumped. ‘One hundred per cent. What have you got?’


Estelle: Hey, little sister. I can never get through to you when I call, so I’m sending you this message. The festival’s in deep shit and we need to sell more tickets. You’re coming back for it, right? Apparently, you’re fairly popular online. Can you help? Xxx

Summer: ‘Fairly’ popular?

Summer: I’ve got three million followers on Tiktok, and one-point-two million on Insta

Estelle: Fuck me. Did you buy them?

Summer: Rude! When are you going to follow me?

Estelle: I don’t do social media

Summer: YOLO. Who told you I was popular? Anyone I know?

Estelle. You

Summer: Ha-dee-ha

Estelle: Look, we’re really up against it here. Is there anything you can do?

Summer: If you’d been following me, then you’d have seen I’m already all over it

Estelle: Thanks, but I don’t think it’s working

Summer: That’s because I’ve only done stage one…

Estelle: And what’s that?

Summer: Getting my followers to come to the festival

Estelle: Oh, do you need tickets?

Summer: It’s been sorted already

Estelle: Okay, so what’s stage two?

Summer: I’m going to advertise a talk in the acoustic tent on the Sunday

Estelle: With who?

Summer: Me! Who else?

Estelle: You think that will work?

Summer: Watch ticket sales over the next forty-eight hours. Summer Foxbrooke is going to save the day

Estelle: Thank you, your majesty
