Page 171 of The Upper Crush

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Summer: De rien XXX

Estelle flipped down the sun visor and gave herself another once-over in the mirror.

Chester barked his approval.

‘You know what?’ she said to him, ‘I think I look at myself in a mirror more than Summer these days, and that’s saying something.’

Easing the Defender away from the cottage, she frowned at the sight of Elyse’s car.

‘I don’t know if I’m going mad, doggos, but I’m positive it wasn’t parked like that last night.’

Even though they were living under the same roof and both working at Shoscombe Manor, they hardly ever saw each other. When Estelle got back each evening, Elyse was either about to go to bed or already in it, and when she got up the next morning, Elyse had already left or was still asleep. But this was the fifth time that Elyse’s car appeared to have changed position from where it had been left the previous evening.

Is she creeping out at night somewhere?

To see James?

Oh, get over yourself. You don’t honestly believe that?

Well then, where is she going?


We can but hope. I want my house back.

So you can shag James…

Turning the car onto the main road, Estelle growled with frustration. She hated not being in control. Trying to keep the festival on track with just under two weeks to go was bad enough. But being around James she was dick-drunk on a cocktail of hormones that made every cell of hers want to reproduce with every cell of his. The situation had become so bad she’d even dreamt about how beautiful their children would be.

‘Get a grip!’

Chester barked again.

Estelle was never alone with James for more than five minutes before someone interrupted them. There was no time to sneak off anywhere, and even if they did, where could they go? He’d emailed her a list of local hotels with the subject header ‘Want to check any of these out?’ but every day there was a new crisis to swallow up any second of free time.

The only thing that made the situation even half bearable was that James was often out of the office, trying to pin down last-minute sponsorship, and when he was around, he appeared even more frustrated than she was. Estelle grinned. It only took one look from her to cause a bulge in his trousers.

Pulling up outside Shoscombe Manor, her thudding heart slowed as she saw his car had already gone.

This is a good thing! No distractions!

Whatever. I need my cappuccino.

That’s not all you need from him.


Letting herself in, Estelle went straight to her office and flipped open her laptop. Over sixty emails had come in overnight. She took a deep breath and got to work, not moving from her seat until half past ten, when there was a knock at the door.

‘Come in.’

It was Carly. ‘Could you come to the conference room for a second? I need to show you something.’

‘Please tell me it’s a good something?’

Carly grinned. ‘It is.’

‘Thank god.’ Estelle stretched, then followed her out of the room and along the corridor.
