Page 172 of The Upper Crush

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‘After you,’ Carly said, indicating the door.

Frowning, Estelle pushed it open and entered.

‘Happy birthday!’

She blinked. The room was filled with people and balloons. James stood in the centre of the crowd, a big smile on his face. He raised his hands and led everyone in singing ‘Happy Birthday’.

How did he know? Estelle hadn’t told anyone and had wanted the day to go by without any fuss. She’d even told her family she was too busy to see them.

On the table was a huge cake, decorated with a picture of a unicorn leaping over a shooting star and the words ‘Happy Birthday Estelle’. She glanced from the cake to James and his smile got even bigger.

When the singing finished, James started a round of applause, then handed her a knife. ‘It’s time to make a wish.’

She took it from him. ‘I wish I knew how you found out it was my birthday.’

‘The wish has to be secret. And you have to make it as you stick the knife in.’

Narrowing her eyes, she pointed the blade at his chest. ‘Does it matter where I stick it?’

Everyone laughed.

‘I would prefer you cut the cake,’ he replied. ‘And anyway, I’m not suitable for vegetarians.’

Estelle had a sudden vision of licking James. She’d take him over cake, any day. As if reading her mind, his expression grew hungry.

‘Okay!’ She wrenched her gaze away. ‘Here we go.’ She’d decided to wish for the festival to be a success, but as the knife hit the board, different words came to her.

I wish I could have James.

Heat rose up her neck. Keeping her focus on the cake, she cut it into pieces, placing each portion on a napkin and handing them out.

James waited for everyone else to go first.

Estelle took the piece of cake containing the star and gave it to him.

‘Thank you,’ he murmured. ‘That’s the one I wished for.’

She swallowed. ‘Does the wish count if you say it out loud?’

‘We’ll have to see.’

‘Estelle! You need a piece!’ Carly said.

Estelle cut out the bit that contained her name. Biting into it, she let out a low moan. ‘Oh, eye ’od! Ih ’ummy!’

‘James got it from the restaurant in the village,’ Carly said. ‘The Colour Palette. Apparently, one of the owners won loads of awards when he worked in Australia.’

There was a pop, and Estelle turned to see James opening a bottle of Prosecco. Her eyes widened. There was no way they could afford it, or the time to drink it.

‘We sold out of tickets two weeks ago,’ he said. ‘You’re allowed to take five minutes off.’ He poured the drink into paper cups, then opened a second bottle. ‘And anyway, this is a present from my parents. No festival funds were harmed in its purchase.’ With a roguish grin, he held out a cup. ‘Happy birthday.’

She took it. ‘I’ll thank them later. And thank you for the cake. It’s a wonderful present.’

‘That’s not your present.’

Her tummy flipped over. ‘What?’

‘I’ve got something else for you.’ He continued passing out cups of Prosecco.
