Page 174 of The Upper Crush

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‘I think it’s going to have to wait.’

They’d reached the backstage area, but it was empty.

Estelle glanced around. ‘Where is he?’

‘Maybe on the stage itself?’

She strode ahead. ‘I don’t know what he’s on about. Look, the disabled access is here exactly as we planned it. I really can’t see what the issue is.’

James shrugged. ‘He told me he was here.’

‘For god’s sake.’ She stomped up the ramp that led to the back of the stage. ‘I don’t have time for this. I’m hungry and—’ She stopped abruptly when she rounded the corner.

In the centre of the stage, picnic tables and chairs had been set up, with pretty gingham tablecloths. Around them stood her three parents, Henry and Libby, Connor, Leo, Willow and Summer, as well as Jack, Eveline and Finn.

‘Happy birthday!’ her father roared. ‘Think you could get away without celebrating? Fat bally chance!’

Estelle glanced back at James. He inclined his head towards her friends and family.

Arthur came forward and enveloped her in an enormous hug. ‘My first child,’ he said proudly. ‘Just think, thirty-one years ago I watched your cranium squeezing out of your mom’s vagina. Happiest day of my life.’


Arthur disengaged, wiped the corners of his eyes, then turned to Henry. ‘And twenty minutes later, you forged your own path through her love canal. What a day that was!’

Henry dropped his chin to his chest and let out a sigh.

Vivienne came forward to hug Estelle. ‘Happy birthday, honey.’

‘Thanks, Mom. You shouldn’t have gone to all this trouble.’

‘Nonsense. You can take a time out, just for tonight. I—where do you think you’re going, young man?’

Estelle’s head snapped in the direction of her mom’s question. James was stepping away from the group.

‘I was going to leave you to it.’

‘I think not,’ Vivienne said firmly.

Dervla bustled up to James and took his hand. ‘When was the last time you ate?’

His eyes flicked to Estelle’s as if asking for her permission to stay.

‘He hasn’t eaten anything since a slice of cake and a sandwich this morning,’ she said.

Dervla looked stricken. ‘Well, that won’t do, will it now? You can have the first stab at the buffet.’ She dragged him to the back of the stage, where four long tables were groaning with food.

Vivienne led Estelle forward. ‘You too. You’ve lost weight.’

‘And that’s a bad thing? You’ve been trying to get me to shed a stone since I was a teenager.’

Vivienne sniffed. ‘Well, I prefer you the way you were.’

Estelle rolled her eyes but allowed her mom to fuss over her, piling her plate high with all her favourite foods, then leading her to sit down.

Her father was off to the side, feeding Chester and Joy, who ate their dinner in a few gulps, then ran around investigating the space and people.

Eveline sat next to Estelle, her large baby bump touching the table. ‘Happy birthday, my lovely.’
