Page 175 of The Upper Crush

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‘Whose idea was this?’ Estelle asked. ‘And you look incredible, by the way.’

‘Thank you, I still feel great, although the next couple of months should be a little more challenging.’ She gazed out from the stage at the parkland. ‘Look at what you’ve achieved, Estelle. You should be so proud of yourself.’

‘We’re not out of the woods yet. Far from it. We’re having to defer paying our staff until it’s over because we don’t have the cash and can’t take out any more loans.’

‘Oh, dear. Are they understanding?’

‘Yes, thank god. They’ve been amazing. So, go on, who set this up?’

Eveline’s smile was a ray of sunshine. ‘James did. He suggested it to me.’

‘What? When?’

‘A couple of weeks ago. He wondered if you were going to take any time out to celebrate your birthday, and if not, could we put on a little surprise for you?’

Estelle glanced over to the next table, where James was sitting next to Dervla and making her laugh. Henry was at another table, looking warily at him.

‘He’ll come around,’ Eveline said.


‘Henry. He’ll fall in love with James just as much as the rest of us.’

‘Excuse me?’

Eveline glanced up as Jack arrived at the table. He sat and gave her a kiss.

‘Jack!’ Estelle cried. ‘Did you hear what your wife just said?’

He smiled. ‘She loves everyone, even if they don’t deserve it.’

‘That’s true,’ she replied, even though her heart was pounding at the word ‘love’ in the same sentence as ‘James’.

‘But, as ever, she’s right.’


‘I’ve spent enough time with James now to know I really like him,’ Jack continued. ‘He’s a good person.’

Estelle stared over at James’s table as Summer sat next to him. Uncomfortable feelings of anger, jealousy and inadequacy crawled like spiders over her skin. Her gaze flicked to Henry. He was also eyeballing James and their youngest sister.

Finn bashed his plate of food on the table next to Estelle and sat down with a thump. ‘Should I step in?’ he growled.

‘Ye—’ Estelle began.

‘No,’ both Eveline and Jack replied as one.

‘Finley, Estelle,’ Eveline said in her sternest voice. ‘Stop staring at them and eat your food. James can take care of himself.’

‘What?’ Estelle hissed.

‘It’s not James we’re looking out for,’ Finn added.

‘Well, it should be,’ Eveline said firmly. ‘Be honest with yourselves. Who seems more uncomfortable over there, Summer or James?’

Estelle glanced over again. James had moved his chair closer to Dervla and his legs were crossed away from Summer. He was smiling at her youngest sister, but it looked forced.

‘See what I mean?’ Eveline asked.
