Page 18 of The Upper Crush

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‘It’s Monday morning!’ Henry shouted. ‘You should save—’ he waved his hand at the three of them ‘—this for the weekend.’

‘Rot!’ Arthur retorted. ‘We were all too exhausted after Eveline’s wedding. And anyway, you need to take a leaf out of our book. You and Libby should be at it like rabbits, not bloody pandas. With your attitude, we’ll never get any grandchildren.’

‘Do you want me to make you some of my special tea?’ Dervla asked. ‘To help with your libido?’


‘Mom, Dad, Mammy,’ Estelle interrupted. ‘I need you to help calm Henry down.’

‘I’ve got a herbal mix for that as well,’ Dervla said.

‘Why should we do that?’ Arthur interjected. ‘It’s nice to see a bit of fire in his belly.’

‘Because he wants to shoot James Hunter-Savage!’

Their mom turned to Henry. ‘But why, honey?’


‘He’s the new CEO of the company footing the bill for the festival next year,’ Estelle interrupted.

‘Ooh! What fun!’ Dervla exclaimed.

Estelle gasped. ‘Fun?’

Vivienne’s eyes were alight. ‘Yes, such an interesting and sexy young man.’

‘What?’ she and her brother yelled in unison.

‘Humph,’ Arthur said. ‘Not as sexy as me.’

‘Never,’ Vivienne replied, kissing his cheek.

‘Mom!’ Estelle cried. ‘This is a disaster. I can’t work with him.’

‘Why not?’

She threw her hands in the air. Why couldn’t their parents see what she and Henry did? ‘Honestly, where do I even start? It seems he’s pissed off ninety per cent of the staff so they’ve all left. He’s being kicked out of his office because he hasn’t paid the rent—’

‘He could work out of the manor?’ Arthur suggested.

‘No!’ Estelle shouted. ‘And to top it off, he’s re-named the company “Big Dick Energy Entertainment”!’

There was a short silence, then all three of their parents started laughing.

‘Ho, ho, ho!’ Arthur chortled. ‘How wonderful!’

‘No, it’s not,’ Estelle replied. ‘The bloody logo is a lightning bolt striking an aubergine!’

Dervla giggled. ‘He’s such a gas.’

Estelle stared at her parents, then turned to her brother. The fight seemed to go out of him and his shoulders sagged.

‘Come on,’ she said, ‘let’s put our heads together and try to find a way out of this.’

He nodded.

‘Crisis averted?’ Arthur asked. ‘Jolly good. Now, off you both trot. Your mothers and I have unfinished bedroom business to attend to.’
