Page 213 of The Upper Crush

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He puffed out his chest. ‘We’re your new security guards. Along with a load of blokes from our gym, Connor, Leo, a bunch of their mates, and some right scary old fuckers from London.’


‘Didn’t you know?’

‘Know what?’

‘Elyse found out some dude called Max you used to work with was in Facebook groups telling people the fence was weak and where they could get in. She called me to get some volunteer muscle, James spoke to Henry to see who he could rope in, and James’s dad called in the Kray’s kids. We’re taking shifts over the next three days to make sure no-one gets through.’

‘Has anyone tried?’

‘Yeah!’ Ryan’s smile was huge. ‘Me and Tommy growled at them and they shat themselves and legged it. It was brilliant.’

Estelle turned as Elyse appeared, a large bag slung over her shoulder.

‘Sorry,’ Elyse said. ‘I didn’t know how to tell you.’

‘About you moving out or Max and the fence?’

‘Me moving out. James told Henry not to tell you about the fence as he didn’t want you to have another thing to worry about.’


‘Is that everything, babe?’ Ryan asked Elyse.

She nodded, and he took the bag from her. ‘I’ll take this. You say your goodbyes.’ Ryan gave Estelle a salute, got in the truck, and started the engine.

Elyse took a step closer to Estelle, her slim fingers twisting in front of her.

‘I’m sorry,’ she began. ‘You’ve been so lovely. I should have told you sooner.’

Estelle closed the gap between them and pulled her in for a hug. ‘Don’t be daft. I’m happy for you.’ She disengaged. ‘Ryan’s a good bloke.’

Elyse’s cheeks were pink. ‘I know.’ She looked towards the truck. ‘He’s so manly.’

‘That he is. I bet he can bench press you over his head.’

Elyse’s whole face now turned red.

‘Oh, my god, has he done that?’

‘Not yet.’

‘Hey, Ryan!’

The truck window lowered. ‘Yeah?’

‘Do you think you’re strong enough to bench press Elyse over your head?’

He leant an arm out of the window and flexed. ‘Easy.’

Elyse made a tiny squeaking sound, like a mouse with a chew toy.

‘She doesn’t believe you can.’

Ryan’s gaze slid to Elyse and became incendiary. ‘Babe, shall we get going? I think I’ve got a point to prove.’

‘Oh, er, yes,’ Elyse replied, stepping quickly around the truck.
