Page 223 of The Upper Crush

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He frowned. ‘Finn? No… Why?’

Heat rose in her cheeks. ‘He was taking the piss a few months ago, and said the exact same thing.’

James looked delighted. ‘Good man.’

They reached the main gates and the security guard let them through. Ahead of them, the roof of the bright pink Kangoo was taller than any other car and glowed in the darkness.

‘Well, at least you’ll never have to remember where you’ve parked it.’

‘Another bonus I need to thank Tony for.’ James went to the passenger side and opened the door for her. ‘Your chariot awaits.’

She hesitated. ‘Where are we going?’

‘Wherever you want.’

‘Elyse has moved out of my place.’

‘I know.’


‘I met Ryan at the fence yesterday.’

‘And how did that go?’

‘He challenged me to an arm-wrestling competition and I let him win.’

‘What? Hang on… You “let” him win? Ryan’s built like a brick shit house!’

James grinned. ‘That made it more believable. But I would have let him win even if he was five-foot-five and couldn’t punch his way out of a paper bag.’


He paused. ‘Because it was the right thing to do. Ryan needed to prove to Elyse that she’d made the right decision by choosing him over me. And Elyse needed to see I’m not who or what she really wants.’

Estelle cupped his face. ‘You’re a good man.’

He rested his forehead on hers. ‘I’m trying.’

‘You don’t need to try. You do it naturally.’ She pressed a soft kiss to his lips. ‘I love you.’

He started, as if shocked. ‘You…?’

She smiled. ‘I love you. Now please take me home so I can show you just how much.’


The car was filled with an expectant silence as James drove along the night-drenched country lanes towards the livery. Estelle snuck glances at him in the darkness, her awareness of him expanding as the inside of the car seemed to shrink.

With each yard they travelled, the pulse between her legs beat faster until she was swollen with pleasure to the point of painful frustration. She shifted in her seat and James’s eyes briefly flicked from the road to hers. His expression was so powerful, so hot, so intent, that she gulped in a breath as if to keep her afloat.

‘How wet are you?’ he rumbled.


‘Show me.’

