Page 48 of The Upper Crush

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She didn’t wait for a reply, but strode off, her boots crunching on the hard ground.

Jamming his hands in his pockets, James followed. How had he ever thought this was going to work?


‘It’s never going to work,’ Estelle huffed as she stomped through the back door of the rectory a few days later.

‘It’s only been a week,’ Eveline replied. ‘You can’t expect a miracle.’

Estelle fixed her best friend with a look. ‘That’s blasphemy coming from you. Have you forgotten your boss made the whole bloody universe in less time than I’ve had to convert Hunter-Savage into an actual human being?’

Eveline rolled her eyes. ‘Come into the kitchen. Jack made a chocolate fudge cake earlier.’

‘Ooh! Yum!’ Estelle followed her through the ground floor into a large room which was in the process of being modernised. New taps sat above the butler sink and the doors were missing from the cupboards. ‘Where is your domestic god, anyway?’ she asked, going to the kettle and flicking it on.

‘At Wickes, buying paint and looking at cabinets.’

‘Sexy stuff. I see you’re still in the honeymoon phase.’

Eveline blushed. ‘He’s just perfect in every way.’

Estelle bit back a retort. Her friends had found true happiness with each other and she didn’t want to keep raining on their parade just because she was single and grumpy. Pulling out several items from her bag she’d bought from a craft shop earlier, she laid them on the table.

Eveline gazed at what she’d brought. ‘What are you making?’

‘A present for the antichrist.’

‘Half of that sentence sounded nice. What is it?’

Estelle held up a giant wooden letter in one hand and some neon-pink fake fur in the other.

Eveline glanced between them, a frown creasing her forehead, before realisation struck and her eyebrows hit her hairline.


‘What? Beelzebub expressed an interest in the letter E that Leo got me, so I’m making this for him,’ she replied with a smirk.

Eveline shook her head, cut two slices of cake and brought them to the table.

‘This smells like heaven,’ Estelle said, her mouth watering. Taking a fork, she sliced off a piece and popped it into her mouth. ‘Uck ee, at’s ood,’ she moaned as her mouth and brain simultaneously orgasmed.

Eveline grinned. ‘Why don’t you take some with you to give to James?’

‘Uck off!’ Estelle cried, then started coughing as a crumb went down the wrong way.

A glass of water appeared in front of her. ‘I think God wants James to have a piece of cake.’

Estelle gulped from the glass. ‘Never. He doesn’t deserve it.’

‘He can’t be that bad, really?’

‘He’s so horrid to his cleaner that she’s literally terrified of him. He claims he doesn’t have a girlfriend, but a ‘beautiful blonde’ smothered his cheek with her lippie—’

‘You don’t know—’

‘He drives a Ferrari with a personalised number plate—’

‘Jack owns an Aston Martin—’

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