Page 49 of The Upper Crush

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‘Which is stylish and classy and also a British company—’

‘It’s still a very expensive sports car.’

‘It’s not the same. Anyway, Jack is lovely, but James is…’ Estelle wanted to say that James also smelled amazing, made the perfect cappuccino, and perhaps had a sense of humour hidden under the tightly tailored shirts. But if she did that, it would become clear that her feelings towards him were complicated.

‘And you haven’t driven him mad yet?’

Estelle shrugged. ‘He’s hiding it well. He tends to come in first thing, make me a coffee, stick a pair of headphones on when I play the Spice Girls, then bugger off to the conference room when I start singing.’

Eveline visibly winced.

‘Oh, come on. My voice isn’t that bad.’

Her friend deflected. ‘He makes you coffee?’

‘Yeah, the machine looks like NASA designed it, and the display’s in Italian, so I don’t want to press the wrong buttons and break it.’

‘It sounds like he’s being more than accommodating to you.’

Estelle crammed another chunk of cake in her mouth to avoid answering.

‘And have you asked him if you can work from home?’

She swallowed. ‘No, that’s too obvious. The suggestion has to come from him. But I did ask if I could bring Chester and Joy with me to work next week.’

‘Oh, that sounds nice.’

‘Yeah, their training is almost complete.’

Eveline frowned in confusion. ‘What training?’

‘Um…’ Estelle dropped her gaze to the table, where it fell to one of Eveline’s romance novels. This one was entitled A Cornish Christmas at the Fluffy Puppy Therapy Café on Starfish Cove. ‘I’m training them to be therapy dogs.’

‘Really?’ Eveline didn’t sound convinced. ‘And what does that involve?’

‘Making them friendlier.’


‘You know, exposing them to lots of different smells, sounds, and so on.’


Estelle took a tube of glue and a pair of scissors from her bag. ‘Anyway, enough about me. How are you? Got a bun in the oven yet?’

Eveline’s cheeks pinked.

‘Holy shit! You have?’

‘We don’t know yet,’ she replied hurriedly. ‘But I am a few days late, so…’

‘Have you done a test?’

She shook her head. ‘Jack’s going to pick one up this afternoon.’

Estelle’s heart squeezed and her eyes pricked with emotion. She knew how much her friend wanted to be a mum.

‘How are you feeling?’
