Page 50 of The Upper Crush

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‘Apart from head-over-heels in love, I feel exactly the same. I’ve never been pregnant before, so I don’t know what to look out for.’

‘I remember when Mammy was pregnant with Summer, she was knackered all the time. But then again, it was her fourth, and Summer was as demanding in the womb as she is out of it.’

Eveline laughed. ‘You have to make a lot of noise if you’re the youngest. How’s she getting on in France?’

‘According to her, she’s a “social media sensation”. But as far as I can tell, this mainly involves being photographed constantly, going to glitzy parties and accumulating “followers”. Henry and Willow worry about her, Dad, Mammy, Connor and Leo say she’ll be fine, and Mom’s over the moon that Summer’s living the life she wanted for me and Henry.’

‘And you?’

Estelle let out a sigh. ‘Despite how full of herself she is, I do miss having her around. But right now, I’m happy the English Channel is between her and Hunter-Savage.’

‘He only talked to her once, and apparently it was innocuous?’

‘Summer’s blonde, pretty, young and loves attention. I wasn’t there when James tried it on with her, but it must have been bad for Henry to lose his shit like that and break his nose.’

Eveline’s hand covered her heart. ‘Oh, my goodness!’

‘It’s fine. His face could do with a small imperfection.’

‘He is rather handsome.’

‘Mmm—I mean NO! He is absolutely not handsome. He’s a troll who got hit several times by the ugly stick.’

‘That’s not true, and more importantly it’s not kind.’

Estelle slumped back in her chair, angry tears building in the back of her throat. She knew she was being a cow, but it felt the safest thing to do rather than admit she fancied a man who seemed to use and discard women as if they were utterly inconsequential.

Reaching across the table, Eveline took her hand. ‘My darling friend. It’s okay to find a man you dislike attractive. And you’re also allowed to like someone even if your twin despises them.’

‘I don’t like him,’ she mumbled.

Eveline gave her hand a squeeze. ‘Would you like another slice of cake?’

She nodded.

‘Okay, I’ll get it for you. You concentrate on creating your gift for James.’

Eveline: Just letting you know that the test came back negative. Don’t worry about me, I’m fine. I didn’t think it was likely to happen that quickly, especially as I’m considered ‘geriatric’ xxx

Estelle: WTAF? Geriatric? Down with the patriarchy! I’m so sorry, sweetheart xxx

Eveline: Honestly I’m okay X

Eveline: You know, you don’t have to give your ‘gift’ to James…

Estelle: Do you want it?

Eveline: Absolutely not

Eveline: I do hope he sees the funny side of it

Estelle: Well, if he doesn’t, then he can be consoled by the best therapy dogs in Somerset…

‘Will you behave!’ Estelle shouted over her shoulder as she left the livery for Shoscombe Manor the following week. ‘We talked about this, didn’t we? Huh? Huh?’

Chester was on the backseat of the Defender, growling and holding Joy’s leg in his jaws as he attempted to engage her in a game of rough-and-tumble.

Joy was ignoring him, barking instead at Estelle.
