Page 64 of The Upper Crush

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‘Thank you. It’s been really hard, especially as we’re still living together.’

‘What happened?’

‘Our relationship has always been very intense. Very sexual…’

Estelle’s stomach turned, as unbidden images of James and Elyse in bed together jabbed at her mind’s eye.

‘But he can be very cold,’ Elyse continued. ‘And he said—’ She broke off, her lower lip wobbling, ‘he wanted us to cancel our future, er, plans…’

Did that arsehole break their engagement?

‘And that we should see other people…’ Elyse took a gulping breath. ‘But I don’t want to. I only want to be with him. I love him.’

Estelle’s heart squeezed at the sight of Elyse’s tears. Despite knowing how low James could go, this behaviour was scraping the bottom of the bastard barrel in hell.

Oh, god, the CVs. Was James using the festival as a way of finding new women to screw, then screw over?

Elyse’s eyes widened. ‘Don’t worry, you’re safe. He would never go for you.’

Estelle knew that, but the masochistic side of her still wanted Elyse to voice the reasons why James Hunter-Savage wouldn’t touch her with a barge pole. ‘Why not?’

Elyse’s face turned a delicate shade of pink. ‘You’re very attractive… But James has a type…’ She twisted a strand of blonde hair around her finger as if to emphasise the difference between the two of them. ‘And I’m it.’

Grinding her teeth, Estelle nodded. ‘I’m really sorry, Elyse. Please, let me know if there’s anything I can do.’

‘Thank you,’ she whispered. ‘That means so much.’ Her eyes became liquid again. ‘There is one thing…’

‘Cut off his balls with a pair of rusty shears?’

Elyse gasped. ‘Oh, no!’

‘Sorry! I was only joking.’ Kind of… ‘Go on, what can I do?’

‘Please don’t tell James you saw me. He can get very…’

Estelle’s blood ran cold. ‘Are you in danger? Has he threatened you?’

‘Not in so many words. He’s never hurt me.’

‘Jesus, Elyse! You need to go to the police! Why are you still living here?’

She shrugged, helplessly. ‘I have to. I work for his father.’

‘What is this? The fucking mafia? Do you need money? A place to stay? Come and live with me. We can leave right now. I can help you find another job. I’ll ask my best friend about charities that deal with modern slavery. We’ll make sure you’re safe.’

Elyse shook her head so fast, her face was a blur. ‘No, I’m fine, I promise. Kevin is lovely.’


‘James’s dad. He’s a bit rough around the edges, but he’s very sweet. James and I will keep trying to save our relationship, and if we can’t, then I only have to wait till the beginning of July, then he’ll be gone.’

‘Gone? Where?’

‘Back to London. He doesn’t want to organise the festival. He’s only doing it to help his dad. And he hates Somerset.’

Estelle’s blood went from ice to thermonuclear in the time it took her to draw breath. James had made Henry’s life hell, he’d not told her he owned BDE Entertainment until she’d signed the amended contract, he didn’t give a shit about making the festival a success, and now he didn’t even like Somerset?

Elyse clutched Estelle’s hands. ‘Please don’t say anything to him! For me?’

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