Page 63 of The Upper Crush

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‘Oh, hello.’

Whipping around, Estelle’s hand jumped to her chest. ‘Jesus Christ!’ she gasped as her conscious mind attempted to reassure her unconscious one that the figure was not a threat.

A blonde woman stood just inside the door.

Estelle blinked as rumour, conjecture and myth converged into flesh and blood.

‘I’m Elyse,’ the woman said, her heels clacking on the floor as she came forward with a manicured hand extended.

So, this is the mysterious ‘E’… Estelle tried not to stare as she took in everything about Elyse, the perfectly straight blonde hair that grazed her shoulders, the pressed white shirt and pencil skirt that revealed just how slim she was, and her beautifully symmetrical face.

She took the woman’s hand, hoping her own nails were clean. ‘I’m Estelle.’

‘I know. Do you need anything?’

Estelle’s cheeks heated. She’d broken into this woman’s home and was helping herself to her stuff without asking.

‘I wanted a coffee, but I don’t know how to use the machine in the office. The door was open. Sorry.’

Elyse smiled and went to the fridge. ‘It’s not a problem at all. Milk?’

‘Yeah, thanks.’

‘I know what James is like about that coffee machine. He doesn’t like anyone touching it. I tried to use it once at the flat in London and he got very cross.’ Elyse rolled her eyes. ‘Men, eh?’

How long have they been together?

Opening a drawer, Elyse took out a teaspoon, then went to Estelle’s side and scooped coffee granules into the mug. ‘Sugar?’

‘No, thanks.’

‘Oh, yes. I should have remembered.’ Elyse grinned at her. ‘He said you’re sweet enough.’

Estelle tried to smile but her stomach was turning over. Elyse seemed to know everything about her. Did she and James discuss her in bed at night? Was she some kind of joke to them?

‘Is he around?’

‘Not at the moment,’ Elyse replied, making Estelle’s coffee, then putting the dirty spoon by the side of the sink. ‘Can I get you anything to eat? We’ve got some pain au chocolat.’

‘No, thank you.’

‘Green smoothie? I was about to make myself one.’

‘I should really get back.’

Elyse smiled. ‘It’s lovely to finally meet you.’

Estelle didn’t think she could hate James any more than at this moment. Elyse seemed really nice. Why did he have to deny her existence?

‘How long have you been together?’ she blurted.

Elyse’s face froze, then cracked to reveal a core of desolation. ‘We’re on a break,’ she whispered, her gaze falling to the floor.

Without thinking, Estelle reached out to touch her arm. ‘I’m so sorry.’

Elyse raised her head, her pale blue eyes glistening like the surface of the sea. ‘No, I’m sorry.’ She sniffed. ‘I’ve only just met you and I’m blubbing like a baby.’

Estelle was torn between wanting to hug her, and finding James so she could immediately run him over with a combine harvester. ‘It’s fine, honestly. I’ve got five siblings and at any given moment, at least one of them is crying.’
