Page 76 of Her Filthy Secret

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“Hello, Mr. Davis.” Mr. Burke shakes the hand of the city manager. “It’s a pleasure seeing you again.”

“And you.” The older man beams and enthusiastically pumps his hand and arm. “I was pleasantly surprised to find out you were married with children.” He pumps his hand once again and slaps him on the arm. “You’re a rascal.”

“I was respecting my wife’s wishes until such time as she wanted to make the relationship public.” Mr. Burke pulls back; even though the constant talk of his relationship status has gone past annoying to him, he still responds politely. He’s a bigger man than me. Bigger person than me? Whatever.

“And this is your assistant?” He steps around Mr. Burke and surveys me from head to toe, taking in everything from my black heels to my crisp white blouse. “And an attractive assistant at that.” He leers and grasps my hand. His sweaty palm coats mine, and it takes everything inside me not to cringe. “I’m Jackson Davis. It’s a pleasure meeting you.”

“Thanks.” I yank my arm, trying to dislodge his grip, but he holds tighter.

“Jack,” my boss growls. “She’s taken, and you’re much too old for her.”

“Oh, pfft.” He frowns at my boss but releases my hand. “I’m not that old.”


The man’s eyes narrow. “I don’t know where you got that information, but I’ll have to know, you’re wrong. I’m sixty-four.”

“Jack,” Mr. Burke sighs. “Your birthday was last month, making you sixty-five.”

“Hmm.” His gaze shoots toward the ceiling as he mumbles under his breath. Moments later, he shakes his head. “I’ve lost track of time. I need to get me one of those girls that follows me around, keeping track of all my responsibilities.” He walks away as his words trail off.

“He’s harmless.”

“Yes, I know.” Sadness weighs heavily on me. I’m going to miss Mr. Burke. He’s been the best boss I could have ever dreamed of having, but Cole is too important to me. I hate that I can’t see him every day. And that our phone calls are sporadic at best. And this week, our schedules didn’t mesh where he could come visit me. So there are two long days left until I can see him again.

My phone buzzes in my clutch. “Go ahead and get that.”

“Thanks.” I smile briefly at him and rush to a quiet alcove in the hotel ballroom to take the call. “Hello?”

“Hey, how’s everything going?” Layla’s upbeat voice makes me smile. Thankfully, her morning sickness is resolved, and she’s back to being her spunky self.


“I spoke to Blanche this afternoon. She said she’d love for you to start back at the café. I know it’s not what you want, but it will tide you over until you find something else.”

I’ve already started scouring the internet for open positions that fit my work experience, but as I expected, it’s going to take some creative searching. And without Mr. Burke’s help. I glance at him as he jokes with a wealthy couple decked in jewels and the finest clothing. Would he give me a good reference? Why would he when I’m planning to leave him high and dry?

When I signed the contract to work for him, I signed on for a year. And he signed my lease for a year. I can’t wait that long. But I can’t expect him to sing my praises when I tell him the news. Tension settles in my upper back and shoulders. Would it be possible to continue driving back and forth? I love the job. Even the eccentric old men who hit on me. They’re harmless.

This event is for an animal shelter, and Mr. Burke donated 2 million dollars for the project. Who does things like that? My mind drifts to the lady chatting on her phone as she passed me. No. That’s too much driving. I’d have to be up at 4 o’clock and drive 2 ½ hours, work 8–9 hours, and then not get home until 8:00 p.m. I could do some work from home and leave a couple of hours early.

Mr. Burke pats a man on the back and takes his card. He’s already got something else in the works. My shoulders sink. Part-time would never work. It’s stupid to even think about it.

“Tell her….” I swallow hard over the dryness in my throat. “Tell her I’ll start in 2 ½ weeks. When I get back next week, I’ll tell Mr. Burke and put in my two weeks’ notice.”

“Awesome.” She pauses for a second. “Have you told Cole?”

“No, I want to surprise him.” Warmth floods over me as I anticipate his response. He’s going to be happy, and if he’s happy, I’m happy. And my parents will be happy. Mr. Burke strides toward me with his black Italian leather shoes hitting the marble flooring. He won’t be happy.

“And please don’t tell him. I want to surprise him.” I swallow and glance at the clock. Cole and Kameron are working together tonight. “Kameron won’t say anything, will he?”

“Kam won’t say a word. He knows better. Besides, I haven’t said anything to him.”

“Thanks, Layla. I appreciate it. I’ve got to go.” I hastily hang up and greet my boss.

Twenty minutes later, we stride to the front door. “No Cole this week?”

“No, he’s working.” The warm night breeze blows at my hair, sending the scent of smoke surrounding us.
