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Seth stopped and sighed heavily at the sudden intrusion, then turned to see Andrea and Ron. “What the hell is Zane doing?”

“We were already on the way here,” Andrea said. “We just came from the hardware store.”

“Let me guess. Tamara bought materials that could make a bomb.”

“I knew Ressler would come for you,” Ron said to Clary. “He’s obsessed with you.”

“What are you doing?” Andrea asked when she came closer. “Are you—”

“Andrea!” Clary interjected, and Ron and Andrea leaned back. “Both of you need to leave. We’re just waiting for the bomb squad. You two shouldn’t be here.”

Andrea and Ron frowned. They looked at each other, then back at Seth.

Seth didn’t bother to respond to them, though. He’s obsessed with you. Ron’s words echoed in his head. He’s obsessed with you.

Seth straightened as an overwhelming uneasiness overtook him. He looked up at the poster.

Gavin Ressler was obsessed with Clary.


Not Hugh.


“Ressler’s obsessed with you,” Seth said to Clary. “I was wondering why there were two transmitters.”

Clary cleared her throat. “I thought Ressler might be listening.”

“Zane suspected the second transmitter was doing that.” Seth shook his head and turned to her. “You know why I like playing around with wires and Legos?” He cupped his hand over hers that was holding the controller. “Because they are nowhere as complicated as the human mind.”

Clary’s brows puckered.

“This has to be close,” Seth said while staring at the controller. “It has to be connected.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Two transmitters. One to keep you close to Hugh.”

“And the other?” Andrea asked.

“If I have to guess, it’s to keep the one in your hand from going off.”

Clary sucked in a breath. “I’m holding a bomb too.”

“He’s obsessed with you,” Seth said. “Hugh’s vest might be a fake, like the ones at EB Co.”


“If I cut his circuit, the second transmitter would lose power,” Seth said.

“Then the bomb in Clary’s hand will go off.” Ron nodded. “Sounds devious. Sounds just like Ressler.”

Seth gave Clary’s hand a squeeze. “I need a coin.”

Ron reached into his pocket hand handed one to Seth.
