Page 18 of Exiled

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"Alright," I said, my mind racing. "Just...I need you to be careful. If they find out you have the phone..."

There was a pause before she replied. "I know, Jace." Her voice was soft, laced with a kind of forced calmness that sent a chill down my spine. "We'll be careful.”

“Yeah. What do you know about this guy?”

“First name Stephen,” I said. “He’s older. Kind of clean cut, nothing that I thought was particularly distinctive about him. Except…”

“Except what?” I prompted when she trailed off.

“He knows more about the Viper’s operations than any normal henchman should. He was able to give us information no one else could, and he seems... too sophisticated to be just a regular soldier,” she finally admitted. “I don’t know if that’s his real name.”

“You think he was someone important?”

“It’s hard to say,” Sofia replied, her voice dropping to a near whisper. “But yes, I think there's more to him than meets the eye.”

“Any idea where you might be?” I asked, shifting gears. Time was running out and we needed every piece of information she could give us.

“No clue. We woke up here,” she replied. “It’s a huge bunker.

"Okay, okay," I murmured, my mind racing with possibilities. "Stay safe, stay hidden. I'll find a way to get to you, promise."

There was a long pause on the other end of the line, and for a moment I thought we'd lost the connection. Then she spoke again, her voice shaking in an effort to stay calm.

"Hurry, Jace," she whispered before hanging up.

Tossing the phone aside, I rubbed my face with my hands. The hospital room seemed too clinical, too sterile in light of what was happening. Victor and Sofia were trapped somewhere underground in a fortified bunker. With God knows who.

I really wished I had my laptop with me.

Without wasting any more time, I jumped off the bed, the cold floor a harsh welcome to reality. With haste, I pulled on my jeans and shirt, fumbled with my boots. The hospital could keep their goddamn gown. Time was of the essence.

I was too far away from home to go home and get my gear, but I could certainly buy a computer. I could explain everything to Grayson and Teo when I got back. I didn’t want anyone to stop me so I made sure to hide the hospital bracelet I was wearing, tucking it under the sleeve of my shirt.

A flash of worry sparked in me as I thought about Sofia and Victor, alone in a dungeon somewhere, but I pushed it aside. I had to stay focused, and letting my emotions take control wouldn't help anyone.

I slipped out of the hospital room, unnoticed by the nurses at the front desk who were busy talking amongst themselves. My chest tightened as I stepped outside into the cool night air. It was almost too peaceful out here, a stark contrast from the dire situation that Sofia and Victor were in.

I needed a car.

I rushed to the hospital's parking lot, my eyes scanning the rows of vehicles. I didn't have the luxury of time to negotiate with a taxi driver or wait for a bus. I needed a fast and efficient means to get to a computer shop, trace Sofia's call, and initiate a rescue operation.

A black Mercedes Benz at the far end of the lot caught my eye. High end and most likely equipped with a hell of an engine. It was perfect.

I glanced around, ensuring no one was within sight before I approached it. The car alarm had a high chance of going off when I broke the window, but in all honesty, I didn't much care. Victor and Sofia were in danger and every second counted.

With one last quick look around, I used my elbow to shatter the small window on the driver's side door. The alarm blared into life, echoing across the deserted parking lot. Swiftly, I reached inside to unlock the door before climbing in and hot wire it. In less than a minute, the powerful roar of the engine drowned out the wailing alarm. I shot out of the parking lot like a bullet, my mind focused solely on getting to a tech shop and getting Sofia and Victor out of that godforsaken bunker.

The streets were a blur as I pushed the car to its limits, weaving in and out of the sparse traffic. My heart pounded in sync with the rhythm of the tires against the asphalt, each beat whispering danger, rescue, survival.

My mind raced with plans and contingencies as I sped toward Miami. The lights of the city were a smudge on the horizon, growing brighter with every mile. I didn’t have time to appreciate the beauty of the neon fuzz against the indigo sky; my thoughts were fixated on Sofia and Victor. Was Stephen already suspicious? Had he discovered his phone missing yet?

The lights of the city were a smudge on the horizon, growing brighter with every mile. I didn’t have time to appreciate the beauty of the neon fuzz against the indigo sky; my thoughts were fixated on Sofia and Victor. Was Stephen already suspicious? Had he discovered his phone missing yet?

Downtown Miami was ablaze with life. Lights flashed, music spilled from bars and clubs, people spilled into the streets, drunk on life and cheaper substances. Normally, I would’ve cursed at having to navigate through all this mess but tonight, it was a godsend. The chaos was a cover for me – nobody would notice one more reckless driver.

I jumped out of the car, leaving the engine running. The night air was heavy with the intermingled scents of rain and exhaust as I ran into the nearest tech shop. The bright fluorescent lighting inside was harsh on my eyes after the dark street but I didn’t care. Sofia and Victor were suffering in a cold, dark bunker while I was here, safe and dry.

"Sir, can I help you?" A sales clerk approached me, his nametag declaring him to be a 'Pete'. He wasn't more than twenty, his gaze taking me in with an uneasy wariness.

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