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“Don’t do it, sis. Don’t let that woman take your kid.” Simon grinned.

“Be quiet, Simon.” She walked away with Gia.

I laughed.

“How are you?” He hooked his arm around me.

“I’m great. You?” I grinned, glancing at him.

“No complaints. Every time we have a party like this on the beach, all I think to myself is that one day there won’t be any kidschasing each other around, laughing and screaming. They’ll all be grown up.”

“There will be grandchildren.” A smirk crossed my lips.

“Jesus,” he said, shaking his head. “I don’t want to think about that because if I do, that means I’ll be an old man.” He chuckled. “But you’re right. One day, this beach will be filled with grandchildren.”

“What’s going on over here?” Sam grinned, walking over with a beer in his hand.

“Simon was just saying how one day there won’t be any kids chasing each other on the beach.”

Sam reached over and slapped the back of his head.

“Ouch, bro. What the fuck was that for?”

“For giving me shit when I get all sentimental.”

“I wasn’t getting sentimental,” Simon said.

“Yeah, you were.” I laughed.

“Speaking of, I was helping Julia straighten up the house earlier?—”

“Correction. Julia was helping you straighten up the house earlier,” Simon said.

“Shut the fuck up. Anyway, I picked up the picture of the five of us and Nora that Julia took down by the water last year. I do believe it’s time for an updated picture—one with our other sister.”

“Great idea. I’ll go get the rest of our bros and Nora.” Simon grinned. “Meet you down there.”

Simon gathered the rest of our brothers, scooped Nora up, and we headed by the water. Standing at the shoreline, I stood in the middle while my brothers stood next to me, our arms around each other and Simon holding Nora.

“Give me your best smiles,” Julia spoke, holding up the camera. “Perfect. I’ll get six copies of these printed.”

“Thanks, Julia.” I smiled.

As we sat at the elongated table, eating the terrific food Sebastian had prepared, I stared at my family as everyone talked, ate, and laughed.

“Earth to Claire,” Nick said.

“What?” I glanced at him.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, placing his hand on mine. “You seemed lost in a thought.”

“Everything’s perfect.” I smiled. “Just perfect.”

After cleaning up, Stefan lit the firepit as the sun started to set. It was time to light the birthday candles and sing Happy Birthday to my amazing husband. Nick sat at the table, holding Nora on his lap as I placed the beautifully lit cake in front of him. Sebastian strummed the chords while we all sang Happy Birthday in unison. With a smile, Nick blew out the candles with a little help from Nora and the other small children who gathered around him. We all clapped, shouted, and served the cake.

We played our guitars around the bonfire. I thought about my life and what it would be like if I had decided not to come to California to meet my new family. I’d still be in Connecticut, working at the insurance company and running from love any chance I got. My newfound family changed that for me. Nick changed that for me. I always knew family was important, but I didn’t realize how important it truly was until I moved here, and they all showed me the way. Now, my daughter will grow up learning what family means, what it’s about, and how we can overcome anything life throws at us when we all stick together.

“I’d like to make a toast.” Shaun smiled, holding up his beer bottle. “To us, doing what we do best. Life is family, and family is life.”

“To family!” We all shouted, tipping our beer bottles to one another.

Hooking my arm around Nick’s neck, I lay my head on his shoulder as our daughter slept in his arms.

“I love you,” I softly spoke.

“I love you too, babe.” His lips pressed against the top of my head.

