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“Shaun, I?—”

He put his hand up. “Discussion over. Sterling Capital is covering the remodel cost.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“A simple thank you will do.” He smiled.

I wrapped my arms around him. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” His grip around me tightened.

“Stefan hired a special crew for the house,” Sam said. “I spoke with Raphael earlier, and they’ll be out of the house on Saturday. We’ll get our workers in there first thing Monday morning.”

“What timeframe are we looking at?” I asked.

“About a month.”

“That quickly?” My brows furrowed. “We’re talking major renovations.”

Sam chuckled. “Never underestimate Kind Design and Architecture. It will be done within a month. Stefan wanted to be here, but he’s at Lily’s soccer game. He told me to tell you to start picking out all the flooring and fixtures for the entire home as soon as possible.”

“Oh my gosh. Where do I start?” I asked.

“Talk to Ava. She’ll help you out.” He smiled.

“Right.” I grinned. “I’ll do that.”

“Now that everything is settled, let’s go down to the beach for a beer,” Shaun said. “Where’s Nick tonight?”

“Apparently, he’s working. I don’t really know.” I sighed.

“Is everything okay?” Julia asked.

“I don’t know. I texted him earlier about dinner, and he said he was working. So, I asked him to come over after work, and he said he was tired and going home to bed. Something was off in his text messages.”

“You haven’t told him yet, have you?” Shaun asked.

“No. I was going to tell him everything tonight.”

“The sooner, the better. Trust me. Come on. Join us down at the beach.” He smiled.

Sam grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and handed me one. We went down to the beach where Simon, Conner, Nathan, and Carter sat.

“Congratulations on the new job.” Carter smiled when I sat down.

“Thank you. I’m very excited.”

“It’ll be great having you at the office every day,” he said.

“Hey, everyone.” Sebastian walked over and joined us. “Hey, Claire.” He smiled.

“Hi, Sebastian.”

“As I was leaving the brewhouse, I saw Nick sitting at the bar. I’m surprised you two aren’t seeing each other tonight.”

“Really? He was there?” My brows furrowed.

“Yeah. I only spoke to him briefly because I had to get home.”
